CPS School Council Meetings

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All CPS School Council Meetings
School Date Date Start Time End Time Location Topic  
Baldwin School 2021-02-24 02/24/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School on Zoom School Improvement Budget (Baldwin Specific) Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2021-03-24 03/24/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Baldwin School "And How are the Children?" Information about Baldwin School's tiered academic and social-emotional supports and interventions, screening processes. Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-02-11 02/11/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-03-11 03/11/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-04-08 CANCELLED
07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-01-14 01/14/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2021-03-02 03/02/21 08:00 am 08:45 am Virtual SY21 school budget discussion & suggestions for district budget Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2021-03-10 03/10/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2021-04-14 04/14/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Amigos School Council Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2021-05-12 05/12/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Amigos School Council Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2021-06-09 06/09/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Amigos School Council Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-03-05 03/05/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom Curriculum Nights Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-04-02 04/02/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom Fundraising Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-05-07 05/07/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom Equity Reporting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-06-04 06/04/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom Hybrid Learning Updates Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2021-03-08 03/08/21 04:30 pm 06:00 pm Cambridgeport School School Budget Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2021-04-06 04/06/21 08:00 am 08:45 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2021-05-04 05/04/21 08:00 am 08:45 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2021-06-01 CANCELLED
08:00 am 08:45 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2021-04-12 04/12/21 04:30 pm 06:00 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2021-05-10 05/10/21 04:30 pm 06:00 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2021-06-14 06/14/21 04:30 pm 06:00 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2020-11-11 11/11/20 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Morse School School Council Membership Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2020-12-10 12/10/20 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Serving on School Council, Expansion of In-Person Learning, Remote Learning Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-01-14 01/14/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Items Recommended by the School Council Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-02-04 02/04/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Items Recommended by the School Council Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2020-01-11 01/11/20 04:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2020-02-08 02/08/20 04:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Budget Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2021-03-17 03/17/21 03:30 pm 04:30 pm King Open School How to be an Anti Racist by: Ibram Kendi Discussions about Race & Equity as it relates to the King Open School Community: Biology & Ethnicity Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2021-04-28 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open School How to be an Anti Racist by: Ibram Kendi Discussions about Race & Equity as it relates to the King Open School Community Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2021-05-19 05/19/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open School How to be an Anti Racist by: Ibram Kendi Discussions about Race & Equity as it relates to the King Open School Community Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2021-06-16 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open School How to be an Anti Racist by: Ibram Kendi Discussions about Race & Equity as it relates to the King Open School Community Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2021-03-10 03/10/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2021-04-14 04/14/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2021-05-12 05/12/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2021-06-09 06/09/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-04-14 04/14/21 07:30 pm 08:30 pm Peabody School TBD Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-05-05 CANCELLED
07:00 pm 08:30 pm Peabody School TBD Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-06-02 CANCELLED
07:00 pm 08:30 pm Peabody School TBD Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2021-03-18 03/18/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual MCAS Testing at Tobin Montessori & Health Office Update Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2021-04-15 04/15/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Tobin Budget & School Improvement Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2021-05-20 05/20/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Tobin School New Building Update and Move Details Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2021-06-17 06/17/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Reflections and Hopes for School Year 2021-2022 Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2020-10-07 10/07/20 07:30 am 08:30 am Peabody School Welcome/reports & group updates Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2020-11-03 11/03/20 07:30 am 08:30 am Peabody School Combined w/RAUC and Baldwin - Courageous Conversations Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2020-12-02 12/02/20 07:30 am 08:30 am Peabody School Intro - Mr. T - update of accomplishments Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2020-12-17 12/17/20 08:00 am 08:30 am Peabody School Cont. from 2/2 mtg Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-01-15 01/15/21 07:30 am 08:30 am Peabody School In-person learning, Equity, Compliance Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-02-04 02/04/21 07:30 am 08:30 am Peabody School In-person learning, elections, budget disc. Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-03-04 03/04/21 07:30 am 08:30 am Peabody School Intro new members, working groups, looking ahead Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2020-10-27 10/27/20 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2020-12-15 12/15/20 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2021-01-12 01/12/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2021-02-09 02/09/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Haggerty School Advisory Council Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2020-12-17 12/17/20 08:00 am 09:00 am Virtual Tobin Equity & Courageous Conversations Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2020-11-21 11/21/20 08:00 am 09:00 am Virtual Expansion of In-Person Learning & Tobin Community Budget Requests Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2020-01-14 01/14/20 09:00 am 10:00 am Virtual School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2021-01-26 01/26/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2021-04-08 04/08/21 05:00 pm 06:00 pm virtual SIP. Spring virtual event planning. Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2021-05-13 05/13/21 05:00 pm 06:00 pm Virtual School Improvement Plan. Finalizing "Let's Cook!" event details Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2021-06-10 06/10/21 05:00 pm 06:00 pm Virtual Back to School planning and safety review Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2021-03-30 03/30/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Update on CRLS in person and remote learning Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2021-03-03 03/03/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Update on in person and remote learning at CRLS. CRLS Social Workers will be sharing resources and information on helping teens with self care in regards to social isolation and last week's tragic events. (Leah Beider, LICSW, General Education Social Worker for C & R, and Reyita Ramos, LCSW, General Education Social Worker for L & S) Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2021-04-27 04/27/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Updates for May 10th Full time learning 5 Days a week starting May 10 Notice (pdf)
View Presentation
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2021-05-25 05/25/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2021-04-01 04/01/21 09:00 am 10:00 am virtual Equity discussion with the Families of color coalition Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2021-05-06 05/06/21 09:00 am 10:00 am virtual Equity discussion with the Caregivers of Color Coalition Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2021-05-24 05/24/21 09:00 am 10:00 am Vassal Lane Upper School TBD Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2021-04-26 04/26/21 09:00 am 10:00 am Vassal Lane Upper School TBD Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2021-03-29 03/29/21 09:00 am 10:00 am Vassal Lane Upper School TBD Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2021-03-25 03/25/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual This month's school council meeting (March 25th at 6:00pm) will offer an opportunity to experience a LIVE, virtual school performance of Help Desk. Anyone who would like the link to join, needs to go to https://sites.google.com/cpsd.us/pausplay2021 and fill out a request. Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2021-04-12 04/12/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual - Zoom Graduation and end of school year events Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-04-08 04/08/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Review and discuss results from the 2021 Student Survey. Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2021-04-28 04/28/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: Social Emotional Wellness for Students Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-05-06 05/06/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2020-11-12 11/12/20 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2020-10-15 10/15/20 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2020-12-12 12/12/20 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-05-06 05/06/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Review of Title I family engagement requirements and consider steps for strengthening family engagement over the coming school year. Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-05-26 05/26/21 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-06-03 06/03/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Review updates and ongoing initiatives; Identify suggestions for the use of Federal ESSER funds; Discuss lessons learned from 2020-2021 and implications for 2021-2022. Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-06-17 06/17/21 07:30 am 08:30 am Peabody School End of the school year Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2021-10-13 CANCELLED
06:30 pm 07:30 pm CSUS Back to school Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2021-11-13 CANCELLED
06:30 pm 07:30 pm CSUS TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2021-12-08 12/08/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm CSUS TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2021-11-10 11/10/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm CSUS TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2022-01-20 01/20/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Introductory meeting: Overview of CSUS School Site Council and Equity Team, planning for future meetings Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2022-02-17 02/17/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Launching the Equity Audit Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2022-03-09 03/09/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm CSUS TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2022-05-11 05/11/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm CSUS TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2021-10-26 10/26/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Back to School Updates from Principal Smith Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2021-11-30 11/30/21 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2022-01-25 01/25/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School The Steps CRLS is Taking to Create an Equity Team Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2022-02-15 02/15/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2022-03-29 03/29/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2022-04-26 04/26/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2022-05-31 05/31/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School TBA Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2021-10-05 10/05/21 08:00 am 08:40 am Virtual Discussion of ideas and norms for school council this year Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2021-11-02 11/02/21 08:00 am 08:40 am Rindge Avenue Upper School RAUC working theory of action & SIP budget Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-09-10 09/10/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom State of the School Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-10-01 10/01/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy SEL Survey Data Analysis Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-11-05 11/05/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom SEL Action Planning Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2021-12-03 12/03/21 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom Equity Updates Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2022-01-07 CANCELLED
08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-03-08 03/08/24 08:00 pm 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy School Council Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2002-03-04 03/04/02 08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom Equity Updates Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2022-04-01 CANCELLED
08:30 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy MCAS Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-05-10 05/10/24 08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-06-07 06/07/24 08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-09-23 09/23/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Graham and Parks School G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-10-14 10/14/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-11-18 11/18/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2021-12-09 12/09/21 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-01-13 01/13/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-02-10 02/10/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-03-10 03/10/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-04-14 CANCELLED
07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-05-12 05/12/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-06-09 06/09/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2021-10-20 10/20/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: To review the purpose and scope of School Council using selected pieces of the Massachusetts State Guidelines and the district’s newly released School Council Handbook. Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2021-11-17 11/17/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: What are our community’s hopes and dreams for excursions and experiences beyond the classroom at Baldwin? Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2021-12-15 12/15/21 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-01-19 01/19/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: School Improvement Plan Development Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-02-16 02/16/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: Continuation of School Improvement Plan Review Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-03-16 03/16/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-05-18 05/18/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: Review the new CPS School Council Handbook and school council election process. Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-06-15 06/15/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-10-06 10/06/21 07:00 am 08:15 pm Peabody School Introductions/Norms Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-11-03 11/03/21 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-12-01 CANCELLED
07:00 am 08:15 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-01-05 01/05/22 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-02-02 02/02/22 07:00 am 08:15 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-03-16 03/16/22 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Peabody School TBD Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-04-06 04/06/22 07:00 am 08:15 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-05-11 05/11/22 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Online Peabody School Council Agenda Date: May 11, 2022 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Zoom https://zoom.us/j/96443876825?pwd=bHBVbXpKOWhkbUVCOWhlNS8zRHZ5UT09 Meeting ID: 964 4387 6825 Passcode: 561044 Agenda COVID-19 Updates Kindergarten Screeners Job openings Update Equity audit (consultant) update AAPI Month End of the Year Activities Elections Mission and Vision Update Other business. Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-06-08 06/08/22 08:00 am 08:45 am Peabody School - Online School Council Elections, End of year activities, Equity Team Update Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2021-10-25 CANCELLED
04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2021-11-08 11/08/21 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2021-12-13 12/13/21 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-01-10 01/10/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning/Budget Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-03-07 03/07/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-03-21 03/21/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-04-04 04/04/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-05-09 05/09/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-06-13 06/13/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Zoom School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2021-10-20 10/20/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open School Contextualizing MCAS Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2021-11-17 11/17/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open School Review the School Improvement Plan (SIP) Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2021-12-15 12/15/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2022-01-19 01/19/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2022-02-16 02/16/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2022-03-16 03/16/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2022-04-27 04/27/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2022-05-18 05/18/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2022-03-04 CANCELLED
08:30 am 09:30 am Virtual - Zoom Assessment Updates Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2021-10-13 10/13/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Putnam Avenue Upper School Wed. Oct. 13: PUTNAM AVE. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING The Putnam Avenue Upper School Council is a group of parents, teachers and administrators who work together to strengthen the school experience for all of our students. Join us for our FIRST School Council Meeting of the school year. Meet with School Admin, teacher leaders, participate in elections to the School Council Advisory Board. The council meets monthly to talk about what is going on at school and how to continually build school learning and culture. All parents/guardians are invited to participate and may attend whenever convenient. Date: Wednesday, Oct 13 Time: 6 - 7pm Location: Virtual Meeting Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85694127609?pwd=L2NRWG5mM09FNHBncVB6aDFzZ05GUT09 Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-10-21 10/21/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Overview of Fall Assessment Data & Preview of School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2021-12-07 12/07/21 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School Equity audit - what it is and how school council can support this Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-01-04 01/04/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School Family survey Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2021-10-19 10/19/21 09:00 am 10:00 am virtual Our facilitator for this introductory meeting is Ms Robin Harris, District Director of Family Engagement. Welcome, norms, elect co-chair, topics for future discussion Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2021-11-16 11/16/21 09:00 am 10:15 am virtual Structure, Inclusion/Participation, MCAS, Garden Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2021-12-14 12/14/21 09:00 am 10:00 am King School See attached agenda and Zoom link Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-01-11 01/11/22 09:00 am 10:00 am King School Review School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-02-08 CANCELLED
09:00 am 10:00 am virtual tbd Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-03-08 03/08/22 09:00 am 10:00 am virtual tbd Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-04-05 04/05/22 09:00 am 10:00 am virtual tbd Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-05-10 CANCELLED
09:00 am 10:00 am virtual tbd Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-11-18 11/18/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Principal's Updates and Draft School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2021-11-17 11/17/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual Meet with School Admin, teacher leaders, participate in elections to the School Council Advisory Board. The Putnam Avenue Upper School Council is a group of parents, teachers and administrators who work together to strengthen the school experience for all of our students. Topics of discussion this month: - School Council Elections/Voting - Assessment Data Overview - Goal Planning with Putnam Ave. Math and Literacy Coaches Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2021-12-01 12/01/21 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual Connect with Putnam Ave. School leaders, Teacher Leaders, and School Council Advisory Board. The Putnam Avenue Upper School Council is a group of parents, teachers and administrators who work together to strengthen the school experience for all of our students. All parents/guardians are invited to join. Topics of discussion this month: - UDL in the classroom. Date: Wednesday, Dec 1 Time: 6 - 7pm Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2021-12-15 12/15/21 07:00 am 08:30 am Virtual Agenda for Dec 15, 7-8:15 AM Morning Meeting Link to the notes from the last meeting, for reference. Introductions (2) Vote to approve minutes from Nov 3 meeting Voted to be revisited from last meeting: School Improvement Plan Presentation Two Shelter in Place events Address Culturally Responsive Teaching/Learning How do we share information about major cultural/religious events pertinent to the community? Incorporating more cultures into curriculum Food Rewards/Celebrations in Classrooms What is Peabody’s Mission and Vision? Subcommittee volunteers 8. New Business: School Improvement Plan Presentation Shelter in Place Incidents Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2021-12-16 12/16/21 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Updates from Principal Leith, including the re-introduction of PBIS Core Values, winter academic progress monitoring, equity self-assessment planning, COVID safety protocols, and staffing. Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-02-01 02/01/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School Student feedback on family survey, equity self-assessment Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-03-01 03/01/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School Listening Conference Family Survey Results & self-assessment (if time) Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-04-05 04/05/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School Consensus building for equity self-assessment Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-05-03 05/03/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School Group consensus-building for equity self-assessment Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-06-07 06/07/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Zoom TBD Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2022-01-12 01/12/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Putnam Avenue Upper School Connect with Putnam Ave. School leaders, Teacher Leaders, and School Council Advisory Board. The Putnam Avenue Upper School Council is a group of parents, teachers and administrators who work together to strengthen the school experience for all of our students. All parents/guardians are invited to join. Topic of discussion this month: - SIP, School Improvement Plan. Date: Wednesday, Jan 12 Time: 6 - 7pm Notice (pdf)
View Presentation
Morse School 2022-01-20 01/20/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Updates from Principal Leith, including updated COVID safety protocols, winter academic progress monitoring, upcoming report cards, and staffing. Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-02-09 02/09/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual General Meeting Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-03-09 03/09/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual General Meeting Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-04-13 04/13/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual General Meeting Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-05-11 05/11/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual General Meeting Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-06-08 06/08/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual General Meeting Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-01-12 01/12/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual General Meeting Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2022-01-26 01/26/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual Social Emotional Learning in a pandemic. Please join us as we welcome Alice Cohen, CPSD Lead Teacher for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to discuss what you are seeing at home, what we see in school, and how to support your kids during this time of change. Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2022-02-23 02/23/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2022-03-30 03/30/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2022-04-27 04/27/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2022-05-25 05/25/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2022-02-03 02/03/22 06:15 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Haggerty Equity Team and Covid Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-02-02 02/02/22 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Virtual School Improvement Plan COVID Updates Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2022-02-02 02/02/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual via zoom Connect with Putnam Ave. admin, grade level teacher leaders and school council advisory board represented by Parents & Caregivers. At the meeting you can receive updates from teacher leaders, and participate in discussions about student enrichment and efforts led by the school. Topic of discussion this month: SEL (Social Emotional Learning) - Advisory, Portfolio, Listening Conferences, Student Support and more. All members of our school community are invited to join! Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2021-11-29 11/29/21 03:30 pm 04:30 pm Virtual School Updates Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2022-02-16 02/16/22 03:30 pm 04:30 pm Vassal Lane Upper School School Updates Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2022-01-19 01/19/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual School Council Updates Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-02-17 02/17/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Updates on COVID response, school-based initiatives, school funding to support improvement efforts, and a review of the CPS School Council Handbook Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-02-17 02/17/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Updates on COVID response, school-based initiatives, school funding to support improvement efforts, and a review of the CPS School Council Handbook Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2022-03-30 03/30/22 06:15 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Equity Team Updates Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2022-03-09 03/09/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Putnam Avenue Upper School WED. MAR. 9, PUTNAM AVE. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Connect with Putnam Ave. admin, grade level teacher leaders and school council advisory board represented by Parents & Caregivers. At the meeting you can receive updates from teacher leaders and participate in discussions about student enrichment and efforts led by the school. Topic of discussion this month: iReady Assessment with Putnam Ave. Math & Literacy Coaches School and Grade level events & updates. All members of our school community are invited to join! Please see school council page on our website for notes and updates. Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-03-24 03/24/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Updates, 2022-2023 Budget and Implications for Morse School, Ongoing School Initiatives Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2022-04-06 04/06/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual via zoom Connect with Putnam Ave. admin, grade level teacher leaders and school council advisory board represented by Parents & Caregivers. Receive updates from teacher leaders and participate in discussions about student enrichment and efforts led by the school. Date: Wednesday, April 6 Time: 6 - 7pm Please see school council page on our website for notes and updates. Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2022-04-11 04/11/22 03:15 pm 04:15 pm Vassal Lane Upper School Updates from Principal C-N, Student Council events, VLUS Calendar. Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2022-05-17 05/17/22 03:15 pm 04:15 pm Virtual Principal C-N Updates, EOY Planning. Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-04-13 04/13/22 07:00 am 08:30 am Virtual Peabody School Council Agenda (Draft) Meeting Date/Time: April 13, 7-8am Location: Zoom (link to follow) Items to discuss: SIP/ SIP Budget Update Equity Audit Update Mission and Vision Update Listening Conferences Music Teacher Hiring Update End of year activities update Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-04-07 04/07/22 07:00 pm 07:30 pm Graham and Parks School G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-04-28 04/28/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Principal's updates, 2022-2023 School Council planning with CPS Family Engagement Director Robin Harris, and a review of mid-year SEL screener data. Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-05-24 05/24/22 09:00 am 10:00 am Virtual End of Year SC Mtg Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-05-19 05/19/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Updates on staffing, school initiatives, and plans for the 2022-2023 school year. Planning for School Council elections. Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-05-24 CANCELLED
09:00 am 09:15 am Zoom School Improvement Plan Feedback Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-06-16 06/16/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Review and propose updates to the Morse Student & Parent Handbook; Principal's updates on staffing, hiring, COVID-19 protocols, 22-23 school year planning, and other items. Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-09-16 09/16/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm https://cpsd-us.zoom.us/j/96512528604 Welcome Introductions and getting to know you Election of co-chair and clerk Quick year at a glance Meeting Schedule Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-10-19 10/19/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Agenda to follow Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-10-11 10/11/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Rindge Avenue Upper School Connect as new school council team, review themes from last year's school council work and discuss potential action steps. Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-09-29 09/29/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-11-01 11/01/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School Family Survey Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2022-12-06 12/06/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Rindge Avenue Upper School Principal hiring process Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2022-10-20 10/20/22 03:30 pm 04:30 pm Vassal Lane Upper School (In person) Principal's Updates, introduction to SY 22-23, Meet the New School Council Reps! Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-10-19 10/19/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: Role of School Council,Review of the district School Council Handbook, and School 2022 spring MCAS results Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-10-19 10/19/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Agenda for School Council Welcome and re-introduction of council members Selection of Council Co-chair Covid Protocols Update Current Employment Vacancies and Hires Updates Vision - Finishing the great work of our Vision & Mission Subcommittee School Goals for the next two years Exploring Library Volunteers Collaborative Problem Solving- Think Kids Seminars for Families Bike and Walk to School Day & Bike Rodeo Other business items Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-10-20 10/20/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Principal's Report, Spring 2022 MCAS Results, School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-10-25 10/25/22 08:00 am 09:00 am First Floor Conference Room Elect Co-Chair, Presentation by Chief Equity Officer Capacity limited to 20: Pre Registration is Required here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W4cXovfWIj5Lx7YruSZoWk3Ok1b_7UNzB0af7nu8dI0/edit?usp=sharing Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2022-11-17 11/17/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Orientation of new team members, review of mission and norms. Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-11-09 11/09/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Elecciones /Elections Curricular Focus: Dual Language MCAS Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2022-12-14 12/14/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Curricular Focus: Community Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-01-11 01/11/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Curricular Focus: Community Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-02-08 02/08/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Curricular Focus: Community Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-03-08 03/08/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Curricular Focus: Community Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-04-12 04/12/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Curricular Focus: Community Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-05-10 05/10/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Curricular Focus: Community Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-06-14 06/14/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/ Minutes Curricular Focus: Community Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2022-11-16 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction, Meeting Overview, Restorative Circle, Budget/SIP. Closing Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-01-25 01/25/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Intro, Meeting Overview, Curriculum, Professional Learning Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-03-15 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Planning for 23/24 School Year Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-04-26 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Planning for 23/24 School Year Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-05-17 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Planning for 23/24 School Year Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-10-27 10/27/22 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2022-11-17 11/17/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm In-Person in G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-01-26 01/26/23 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-02-16 02/16/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm In-Person in G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-03-23 03/23/23 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Graham and Parks School G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 0023-04-27 04/27/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm In-Person in G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-04-27 04/27/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm In-Person in the G&P Library G&P School Council Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-05-25 05/25/23 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-06-15 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm In-Person in G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2022-11-29 11/29/22 06:00 pm 08:00 pm CRLS Principals Conference Room (main lobby) TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-01-31 01/31/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm CRLS Principals Conference Room (main lobby) TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-02-28 02/28/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm CRLS Principals Conference Room (main lobby) TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-03-28 03/28/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm CRLS Principals Conference Room (main lobby) TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-10-31 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Elections agenda planning for the year Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-09-26 09/26/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Welcome introduction, elections and MCAS Notice (pdf)
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Tobin School 2022-12-08 12/08/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-01-12 01/12/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-02-09 02/09/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-03-17 03/17/23 08:15 am 09:00 am Tobin School TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-04-14 04/14/23 08:14 am 09:00 am Tobin School TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-05-12 05/12/23 08:15 am 09:00 am Tobin School TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-06-09 06/09/23 08:15 am 09:00 am Tobin School TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2022-11-17 11/17/22 08:00 am 09:00 am In-person Tobin Conference Room Meeting with School Council Representatives. Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2022-11-30 11/30/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Review Back to School Night Data Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-11-09 11/09/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Abdel Sepulveda Principal Jennifer Hedrington Assistant Principal Andrew P. Peabody Elementary Cambridge Public Schools 70 Rindge Avenue • Cambridge, MA 02140 asepulveda@cpsd.us • jhedrington@cpsd.us Peabody.cpsd.us (617) 349-6530 To love. To learn. To lead. Monday, November 7, 2022 Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: Zoom Link for November's School Council Agenda for School Council Welcome Discussion of School Council Handbook Presentation of Current SIP Budget 2024 Spain Trip- State of the question and update Vision Subcommittee Update Library Volunteers Update Collaborative Problem Solving- Think Kids for Families Update Update Bike and Walk to School Day & Bike Rodeo- Update Other business items Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-11-29 11/29/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Cambridgeport School Updates on School Improvement Plan, CPS School Council Review & Creating our C'Port Family Handbook Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2022-12-20 12/20/22 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Cambridgeport School School Improvement Plan Updates & Creation of C'Port Family Handbook Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-01-12 01/12/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet Family Handbook & School Budget Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-02-08 CANCELLED
04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet Family Handbook & School Budget Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-03-21 03/21/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Handbook & School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-04-27 04/27/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Handbook & School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-05-15 05/15/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Handbook & School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-05-25 05/25/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Handbook & School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-06-05 06/05/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Handbook & School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-11-17 11/17/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Updates on school initiatives and school improvement planning Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2022-11-16 11/16/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Hybrid: In-person at Putnam Ave. and Zoom All caregivers are welcome to join. On the agenda: Spring 2022 MCAS and Fall 2022 iReady data review, grade level updates and more. Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-11-29 11/29/22 08:00 am 09:00 am Hybrid Norms, Budget, Working Groups Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2022-12-07 12/07/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Review of SIP Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2022-12-14 12/14/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Peabody School Abdel Sepulveda Principal Jennifer Hedrington Assistant Principal Andrew P. Peabody Elementary Cambridge Public Schools 70 Rindge Avenue • Cambridge, MA 02140 asepulveda@cpsd.us • jhedrington@cpsd.us Peabody.cpsd.us (617) 349-6530 To love. To learn. To lead. Tuesday, December 6, 2022 Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: December School Council Meeting Agenda for School Council Welcome - Abdel Sepulveda iReady Clarifications- Abdel Sepulveda 2024 Spain Trip- Update- Abdel Sepulveda Playground Update- Abdel Sepulveda COVID, Flu, and RSV Updates- Bobby Travers School-Home Communication- Abdel Sepulveda and Maria Collins Vision Subcommittee Update- Michele Lippens Progress Reports Overhaul for SY 23-24- Abdel Sepulveda Collaborative Problem Solving- January and February- Abdel Sepulveda December Spirit Week- Nicole Sullivan Winter Concerts - Nicole Sullivan Other business items Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2022-12-15 12/15/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Discussion of parent engagement strategies and review of the Title I parent compact. Update on school improvement initiatives. Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2022-12-20 CANCELLED
08:00 am 09:00 am First Floor Conference Room Working Groups Please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeEPi18CBFOVKhJtxdn7M8rereeYmsInV4_ICZEwN6qdnyDg/viewform?usp=sf_link Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2023-01-24 01/24/23 08:00 am 09:00 am First Floor Conference Room Working Group Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-03-28 CANCELLED
08:00 am 09:00 am Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Guest: Mr. Raymond Porch, Director of Family and Community Engagement. Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2023-03-28 03/28/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Community Building Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2023-04-25 04/25/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Community Building/Handbook Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2023-05-30 05/30/23 08:00 am 09:00 am First Floor Conference Room recap/last mtg Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-11-16 11/16/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: School Improvement Plan & Budget Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2022-12-21 12/21/22 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: Reviewing the CPSD (Draft) School Council Handbook Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-01-18 01/18/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting: Review the Outcome of the 2022 Equity Self-Assessment Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-02-15 02/15/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-03-15 03/15/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-04-26 04/26/23 08:00 am 08:45 am Baldwin School School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-05-17 CANCELLED
06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2022-12-14 12/14/22 07:45 am 08:45 am Hybrid: In-person at Putnam Ave. and Zoom School Council Meeting: In-person at Putnam Ave. front conference room. Please come in via the main entrance. On the agenda: Citizenship at Putnam Ave, Social Emotional Support Caregiver support, grade level updates and more. Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2023-01-11 01/11/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual SCHOOL COUNCIL / HEALTH CURRICULUM DISCUSSION 6-7 PM via Zoom All Putnam Ave. caregivers are welcome and encouraged to join us on Wednesday, Jan. 11, at a virtual session for a discussion and information regarding our Health and Wellness curriculum. Notice (pdf)
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Haggerty School 2022-12-14 12/14/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Topics/Priorities for our SAC across this year Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2022-10-27 10/27/22 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School Review SAC document from district Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-01-25 01/25/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-02-15 02/15/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-03-22 03/22/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-04-26 04/26/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-05-24 05/24/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-06-07 06/07/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-02-03 CANCELLED
08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA Monthly School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 0024-02-02 02/02/24 08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA Monthly School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2019-01-05 01/05/19 08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA Monthly School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-02-02 02/02/24 08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA Monthly School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-01-05 01/05/24 08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA Monthly School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2023-01-11 01/11/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Zoom Abdel Sepulveda Principal Jennifer Hedrington Assistant Principal Andrew P. Peabody Elementary Cambridge Public Schools 70 Rindge Avenue • Cambridge, MA 02140 asepulveda@cpsd.us • jhedrington@cpsd.us Peabody.cpsd.us (617) 349-6530 To love. To learn. To lead. Monday, January 9, 2022 Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2022 Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: January Peabody School Council Meeting Agenda for School Council Welcome - Abdel Sepulveda Update on Newsletter- Abdel Sepulveda Yerxa Rd Concerns and possible solutions- Abdel Sepulveda Vision Subcommittee Update- Michele Lippens Equity Team Meetings Update- Abdel Sepulveda First Semester Report Cards February 3- Abdel Sepulveda Collaborative Problem Solving- January and February- Abdel Sepulveda Winter Concerts - Nicole Sullivan Tripledemic Update- Robert Travers Other business items Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2023-01-19 01/19/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Reviewing school improvement updates, finalizing the Title I Parent Engagement Compact, and discussing the CPS health curriculum. Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2023-02-08 02/08/23 07:45 am 08:45 am Putnam Avenue Upper School We invite all caregivers to join us for our monthly School Council Meeting. You can connect with grade level teacher leaders and school administration, receive updates and participate in discussions about student enrichment and efforts led by the school. On the agenda: Join our Instructional Coaches for a discussion about professional learning for our staff and educators and its day to day applications in school. Date: Wednesday, Feb. 8 Time: 7:45 - 8:45 AM (morning meeting) Location: Putnam Ave. Conference Room, enter through the main entrance. We encourage you to join in-person, but for those who cannot, we will use the webinar format on ZOOM for this meeting. Please make sure you are signed into Zoom prior to joining the webinar. Notice (pdf)
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Peabody School 2023-02-15 02/15/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Zoom School Council - Wednesday, February 15th - 6:30 pm - ZOOM link attached - all are welcome! Abdel Sepulveda Principal Jennifer Hedrington Assistant Principal Andrew P. Peabody Elementary Cambridge Public Schools 70 Rindge Avenue • Cambridge, MA 02140 asepulveda@cpsd.us • jhedrington@cpsd.us Peabody.cpsd.us (617) 349-6530 To love. To learn. To lead. Monday, February 13, 2023 Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: Peabody School Council February 2023 Meeting 5 Goals for the next two years: Bring up our accountability rate from 86% to 96% Strengthening our sense of community by working closely with our families Deepening our equity and inclusion work Reduce chronic absenteeism Healing from past experiences, COVID, and any other challenges to our community. Agenda for School Council Welcome - Abdel Sepulveda Approval of last meeting’s minutes- Abdel Sepulveda Subcommittee Reports: Yerxa Rd Subcommittee Update- Michael Simons Vision Subcommittee Update- Michele Lippens Equity Team Meetings Update- Abdel Sepulveda Peabody School 2022 Report Card Presentation- Abdel Sepulveda & Nicole Sullivan You can see the report card by clicking this link: Peabody School 2022 Report Card from DESE Targeting Chronic Absenteeism at Peabody- Abdel Sepulveda Feedback on First Semester Report Cards- Abdel Sepulveda Collaborative Problem Solving Update- Abdel Sepulveda Tripledemic Update- Robert Travers Other business items Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-01-10 01/10/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Virtual Review family survey results Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-02-07 02/07/23 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Review action steps from family survey results and identify any possible equity concerns or questions & action steps from fall conference attendance data. Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-03-07 03/07/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Virtual Reflect on action steps taken from previous meetings & plans for reaching goal for spring conference Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-04-04 04/04/23 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-05-02 05/02/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-06-06 06/06/23 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2023-03-16 03/16/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual During the March meeting of the Morse School Council, we will review mid-year progress-monitoring, present the final version of the parent compact, and discuss preparation for Spring MCAS administration. Morse School parents are invited to encouraged to reach out to parent representatives with questions or suggestions that can be brought to the School Council. Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2023-03-08 03/08/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Hybrid: In-person at Putnam Ave. and Zoom Webinar Putnam Ave. School Council Meeting. All caregivers & community members are welcome to join, and we encourage you to attend in person. On the Agenda: Academic & Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Trends. Notice (pdf)
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Vassal Lane Upper School 2022-11-30 11/30/22 03:15 pm 04:15 pm In-Person, room 302 *School news *Day of service (overview) *Field trips, *iReady roll-out *School-wide screener Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2022-12-21 12/21/22 07:30 pm 08:30 pm Vassal Lane Upper School School Council--"What is it"?, what will be discussed at upcoming school council meetings, 6th-grade Season of Learning, what"s happening in class--emails sent home directly from teachers, what would families like to see or learn more about VLUS? not enough homework. Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2023-01-17 01/17/23 07:30 pm 08:30 pm Virtual Grading system, what kids are learning, interim co-chair, co-chair for next mtg (Carroll Magill), family recruiting during the next VLUS school events, budget weigh-in, SIP, need for additional staffing--paraprofessional--tutors 0r guidance counselors. Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2023-05-03 05/03/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Hybrid Putnam Ave. School Council Meeting. All caregivers & community members are welcome to join, and we encourage you to attend in person. On the Agenda: School Updates, open discussion and Q&A with the the school team. Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2022-10-12 10/12/22 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Hybrid Putnam Ave. Upper School Info Sessions - School Council and PAFA (Putnam Ave. Family Association) Notice (pdf)
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Morse School 2023-05-18 05/18/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual During the May meeting of the Morse School Council, participants will be invited to contribute thoughts and perspectives to the creation of a school-wide vision for social and emotional learning (SEL). General updates will also be shared. Morse School parents are invited to encouraged to reach out to parent representatives with questions or suggestions that can be brought to the School Council. Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-05-31 05/31/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Library, In-person Introduction of newly elected members Glows and Grows Plans for June meeting and member training Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-06-21 06/21/23 08:00 am 08:50 am In Person, Library Topics: Reviewing the School Council Handbook for New Members Discussion of the meeting schedule for 23-24 Norms for the group To Prepare: Read the School Council handbook if you're able Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-01-19 01/19/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Budget Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-02-15 02/15/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Budget Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-04-26 04/26/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Equity Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-05-31 05/31/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Merging of Equity team and School council Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-06-07 06/07/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual KLO Equity Audit findings Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-09-19 09/19/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-10-17 10/17/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting - Presentation of Baldwin's MCAS data and "accountability" data Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-11-21 11/21/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-12-19 12/19/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-01-16 01/16/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-02-27 02/27/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-03-19 03/19/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2023-03-19 03/19/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-04-23 04/23/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-05-21 05/21/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-06-18 06/18/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-03-19 03/19/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2023-10-02 10/02/23 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Virtual Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2023-11-09 11/09/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2023-12-14 12/14/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2024-01-11 01/11/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2024-02-08 02/08/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2024-03-14 03/14/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2024-04-18 04/18/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm https://cpsd-us.zoom.us/j/98668545436?pwd=MTRpdXlZOExQd2N1WnpOZS9wTEd0QT09 Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2024-05-16 05/16/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Cambridge Street Upper School Cambridge Street Upper School - School Site Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-09-26 09/26/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm CRLS WELCOME INTRODUCTIONS Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-10-24 10/24/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School WELCOME ELECTIONS PLAN AGENDA FOR THE YEAR Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-11-28 11/28/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-12-19 12/19/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm virtual School improvement plan and school council elections Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-01-30 01/30/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-02-27 02/27/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm zoom TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-03-26 03/26/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-04-30 04/30/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm https://cpsd-us.zoom.us/j/99854212016?pwd=aCtib1ZjTy9vRGdMcktwenVXemxCUT09 School improvement plan and school council elections Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-05-28 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Hello CRLS community. I am canceling our May school council meeting. I will send another email with all the nominees and voting dates. I apologize for the last minute changes to tonight's meeting. The school council elections will still happen as planned. Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns. thoward@cpsd.us or 617-349-6660 Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-09-20 09/20/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction, What is a School Council, DESE School Council Requirements, Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2023-10-19 10/19/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Morse School TBA Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2023-11-16 11/16/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm TBA TBA Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2023-12-07 12/07/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm TBA TBA Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-01-18 01/18/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm TBA TBA Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-02-15 02/15/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm TBA TBA Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-03-21 03/21/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Intro to new ELA curriculum and overview of MCAS. Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-04-11 CANCELLED
06:30 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Council members supporting CPS Student Art Exhibit with their attendance. Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-05-16 05/16/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Discussion of Schedule for SY 24-25 Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-06-13 06/13/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Morse School Year in Review: SIP, Strengths, Areas of Growth and Planning for Council meetings SY 24-25 Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-09-27 09/27/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet Family Handbook Planning School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-10-25 10/25/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet Family Handbook Planning & School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2023-11-29 11/29/23 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet Family Handbook Planning & School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2024-01-31 01/31/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet Budget Planning and School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2024-02-28 02/28/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet Budget Planning and School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2024-03-27 03/27/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2024-04-24 04/24/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2024-05-29 05/29/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-10-05 10/05/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-11-02 11/02/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2023-01-11 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2024-01-11 01/11/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm G&P Library G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
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Graham and Parks School 2024-03-14 03/14/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School entertaining a motion to convene in executive session for the purposes of discussing charges brought against the Graham & Parks School Council with respect to the March 1, 2024 open meeting law complaint filed by Anna Shin. Votes may be taken and the Graham & Parks School Council will reconvene in regular session for the purpose of discussing the Graham & Parks School budget and any and all other business that properly come before the Graham & Parks School Council. Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2024-04-11 04/11/24 05:45 pm 07:00 pm Hybrid Meeting - Location: Graham and Parks School Library and on Zoom G&P School Council Meeting - School Climate Survey Data Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2024-05-16 05/16/24 05:45 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School G&P School Council Meeting - Self-Assessment and School Improvement Update Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-04-05 04/05/24 08:00 am 09:30 am Fletcher Maynard Academy FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2023-12-01 12/01/23 08:00 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council Meetings: https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw?hs=151 FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2023-12-01 12/01/23 08:00 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council Meetings: https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw?hs=151 FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2023-11-03 11/03/23 08:00 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council Meetings: https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw?hs=151 FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 0023-10-06 10/06/23 08:00 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council Meetings: https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw?hs=151 FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2023-10-06 10/06/23 08:00 am 09:30 am https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw?hs=151 FMA School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-10-18 10/18/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open School Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-11-15 11/15/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2023-12-20 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-01-17 01/17/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-02-28 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-03-20 03/20/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-04-24 04/24/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-05-15 05/15/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-06-12 06/12/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-10-04 10/04/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual Daily Schedule Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-10-10 10/10/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual Feedback for Ms. Sizer's entry plan Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2023-10-11 10/11/23 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Virtual, via Zoom Putnam Ave. Info-Session for School Council and PAFA Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-09-13 09/13/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Amigos Library Agenda Welcome What is the school council? Focus: How to volunteer at Amigos Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-10-11 10/11/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenid@s/Welcome Actualización/Update: Facilitadores/Facilitators AADU: Lewis Bryant ACC: Laura Bacon FOA: Melissa González ASC: Sarah Marrero Reuniones por grupos / Breakout into Individual Meetings Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-11-08 11/08/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Amigos School IN PERSON Bienvenid@s/Welcome Actualización/Update: Facilitadores/Facilitators AADU: Lewis Bryant ACC: Laura Bacon FOA: Melissa González ASC: Sarah Marrero Reuniones por grupos / Breakout into Individual Meetings Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2023-12-13 12/13/23 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Amigos School VIRTUAL Bienvenid@s/Welcome Actualización/Update: Facilitadores/Facilitators AADU: Lewis Bryant ACC: Laura Bacon FOA: Melissa González ASC: Sarah Marrero Reuniones por grupos / Breakout into Individual Meetings Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-09-20 09/20/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Kennedy/Longfellow School Establish yearly meeting dates and focus of the work for the team based on responsibilities of the School Council and aligned with the Equity Audit findings. Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-10-10 10/10/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Caregiver and student surveys Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2023-10-24 10/24/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm CRLS MACS data, nominations and election Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2023-10-31 10/31/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Both Agenda 8:00-8:10 Icebreaker and Norms 8:10- 8:15 Community Engagement Recap 8:15 - 8:20 Diversity and Equity Goals 8:20 - 8:50 School Council Self-Assessment 8:50 - 9:00 Public Comment Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-11-14 11/14/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2023-12-05 12/05/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-01-09 01/09/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-02-06 02/06/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-03-05 03/05/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-04-23 04/23/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-05-07 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-06-04 06/04/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Library TBD Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-11-07 11/07/23 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual School improvement plan introduction & overview Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2023-11-08 11/08/23 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Virtual Join us for the virtual School Council Meeting tonight via Zoom! Today we will be reviewing and discussing data around MCAS, iReady and DESSA. All caregivers are encouraged to attend and learn more about the school, receive grade level updates, engage in discussions and more. Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2023-09-13 09/13/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Time: 6:30 pm Location: https://cpsd-us.zoom.us/j/94882816043?pwd=b0FWOTJIaUpMaXhtMFBDb3pvSkJ6dz09 Meeting ID: 948 8281 6043 Passcode: 879680 Agenda Welcome Back Re-introductions Presentation of Preliminary Data Chronic Absenteeism Family Conferences Playground Update Feedback on the beginning of the school year Looking ahead: Vision Website update Student Handbook Committee New Business Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2023-10-11 10/11/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual October 11, 2023 Dear Peabody families and community friends, You are cordially invited to our virtual October School Council meeting on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:30 pm. See details below: Date: October 11, 2023 Time: 6:30 pm Location: Peabody School Council October Meeting Meeting ID: 957 6779 0572 Passcode: 583658 Agenda Welcome Back - Abdel Sepulveda Approval of last meeting minutes- Maria Collins Presentation of MCAS Data - Jennifer Amigone Chronic Absenteeism Task Force Update- Jennifer Hedrington Playground Update- Maria Collins Fall Community Picnic on October 12, 2023- Maria Collins Peabody Vision Survey for Families - Michele Lippens Collaborative Problem Solving Training for Caregivers- Abdel Sepulveda Subcommittees: Peabody Website Peabody Student Handbook Committee New Business In gratitude and service, Abdel Sepulveda, Principal and Co-Chair Maria Collins, Caregiver and Co-Chair Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2023-10-08 10/08/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual You are cordially invited to our virtual October School Council meeting on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 6:30 pm. See details below: Date: November 8, 2023 Time: 6:30 pm Location: School Council Meeting Link Meeting ID: 945 0589 4006 Passcode: 811359 Agenda Welcome Back - Abdel Sepulveda Approval of last meeting minutes- Maria Collins Introduction and Preview of School Improvement Plan- Abdel Sepulveda Introduction and Preview of School Improvement Plan Budget- Abdel Sepulveda Collaborative Problem Solving Training for Caregivers- Abdel Sepulveda Subcommittees: Peabody Website - Nicole Sullivan Peabody Student Handbook Committee -Maria and Abdel New Business In gratitude and service, Abdel Sepulveda, Principal and Co-Chair Maria Collins, Caregiver and Co-Chair Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2023-11-16 11/16/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Complete Review of SIP, Introduce Norms, Review findings of Principal's Survey. Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2023-11-21 11/21/23 05:00 pm 06:00 pm Zoom (Virtual) School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2023-12-19 CANCELLED
08:00 am 09:00 am In-Person with Virtual Option CPS and Cambridge Office of Early Childhood presentation: The Cambridge Preschool Program (CPP) and what it will look like at MLK Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-02-06 02/06/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Equity Work Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-02-27 02/27/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Change to Feb 27th Equity Work: Mission Statement 2 Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-03-26 03/26/24 05:00 pm 06:00 pm Virtual tbd Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-04-23 04/23/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Continuation of Equity Survey Work Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-05-14 05/14/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School End of Year Review, tbd Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2023-12-13 12/13/23 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Virtual via Zoom Join us for the virtual School Council Meeting via Zoom! We will meet the newly elected School Council Advisory Board, comprised of our caregiver community, grade level updates and more! All caregivers, community members are encouraged to attend. Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2023-12-12 12/12/23 08:00 am 09:00 am Virtual Entry plan findings Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-01-02 01/02/24 03:15 pm 04:15 pm RAUC (TBD) School Improvement Plan draft Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-02-06 02/06/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Rindge Avenue Upper School School Climate Survey data Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-02-16 02/16/24 07:40 am 09:00 am Tobin School School Council Meeting: Panorama School Climate Survey Results Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-03-08 03/08/24 07:40 am 09:00 am Tobin School School Council Meeting: Tobin School Improvement Plan for Literacy. Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-04-26 04/26/24 07:40 am 09:00 am Tobin School Navigating the School to Summer Transition: Empowering Children for Independence and Confidence. Presentation by Alexis A. Reid, M.A. Notice (pdf)
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Tobin School 2024-05-17 05/17/24 07:40 am 09:00 am In-person Tobin School Library School Council Meeting. Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-06-21 06/21/24 07:40 am 08:00 am Tobin School Discussion on Next Year's School Schedule Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2023-11-08 11/08/23 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Agenda Welcome Back - Abdel Sepulveda Approval of last meeting minutes- Maria Collins Introduction and Preview of School Improvement Plan- Abdel Sepulveda Introduction and Preview of School Improvement Plan Budget- Abdel Sepulveda Collaborative Problem Solving Training for Caregivers- Abdel Sepulveda Subcommittees: Peabody Website - Nicole Sullivan Peabody Student Handbook Committee -Maria and Abdel New Business Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2024-01-10 01/10/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Playground Update - Maria Student Handbook - Abdel Website - Nicole Presentation of School Improvement Plan - Abdel Other business Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2024-02-07 02/07/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Monday, February 5, 2024 Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Location: Meeting Link Agenda for School Council Welcome - Abdel Sepulveda Presentation of Second Part of School Improvement Plan -Abdel Sepulveda + Nicole Sullivan CPS Wellness Policy- Robert Travers + Abdel Sepulveda CPS Budget- Robert Travers + Maria Collins Playground Update- Abdel Sepulveda + Maria Collins Promoting our family groups-Maria Collins + Nicole Sullivan Opportunities for incoming PK and K families- Nicole Sullivan Elections- Maria Collins Subcommittee Updates Student Handbook - Abdel Sepulveda, Melissa Garcia Website - Nicole Sullivan School Mission- Michele Lippens Other business items Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-02-27 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Budget, SIP Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-04-02 04/02/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Kennedy/Longfellow School Panorama Survey results - digging deeper Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-05-07 05/07/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2024-02-14 02/14/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenidos ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/Minutes Plan de mejora escolar-Feedback/ School Improvement Plan - Feedback Notice (pdf)
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Amigos School 2024-01-10 01/10/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenid@s/Welcome Actualización/Update: Facilitadores/Facilitators AADU: Lewis Bryant ACC: Laura Bacon FOA: Melissa González ASC: Sarah Marrero Reuniones por grupos / Breakout into Individual Meetings Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2023-10-24 10/24/23 07:00 pm 08:30 pm In Person at Vassal Lane Introductions, SIP, and School Elections Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-01-10 01/10/24 05:15 pm 06:15 pm Putnam Avenue Upper School Please join us for a in-person meeting at school, before the Winter Concert. After the meeting, we will attend the concert as a community. We will have an opportunity to connect in-person with our school staff, council members and the school community. Date: Wednesday, Jan. 10 Time: 5:15 - 6:15 PM Location: Putnam Ave. Upper School. Enter via the main office at 100 Putnam Ave. Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-02-07 02/07/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Virtual Please join us for the virtual school council meeting via Zoom. We will have an opportunity to connect with our school staff, council members and the school community, deep dive into data - School Improvement Plan, Budget, testing data, and more. All members of our community are invited to join. Date: Wednesday, Feb. 7 Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM Notice (pdf)
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Vassal Lane Upper School 2023-11-16 11/16/23 07:00 pm 08:30 pm In Person--CRLS--Principal's Conference Room Advisors connecting with their families to invite them to School Council Mtg's, AP update and interview process, MCAS reporting, case management, progress reports, and next meeting guests and next year's schedule. Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2023-12-13 12/13/23 07:00 pm 08:30 pm In Person--CRLS--Principal's Conference Room Sara Foleno-Literacy Coach Presentation, school updates, family survey, panoramic survey, math teacher update, vision for VLUS learners, ELA curriculum, and 5th-grade information night. Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-03-12 03/12/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Reviewing Panorama Parent/Caregiver Survey results Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-03-05 03/05/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm Virtual SIP updates, next steps on Panorama survey data Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2024-03-13 03/13/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Amigos Library Bienvenid@s/Welcome Actualización/Update: Facilitadores/Facilitators AADU: Lewis Bryant ACC: Laura Bacon FOA: Melissa González ASC: Sarah Marrero Reuniones por grupos / Breakout into Individual Meetings Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-03-06 03/06/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Virtual via zoom Join us for the School Council meeting on Wednesday next week. Last month we discussed our MCAS, iReady data and how it ties into our School Improvement Plan (SIP) and Budget. This month, join us to talk about Behavior Support & Response Planning, learn about School Counselors, connect with teachers and more. Notice (pdf)
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Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-04-02 04/02/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-10-20 10/20/23 07:40 am 09:00 am In-person Tobin School Library Tobin Montessori School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-09-22 09/22/23 08:00 am 09:00 am In-person Tobin Conference Room School Council Representatives Meeting Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2023-11-17 11/17/23 07:40 am 09:00 am Tobin School School Council Attendance Meeting: Attendance & Tardiness Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-01-19 01/19/24 07:40 am 09:00 am In-person Tobin School Library School Council Meeting: Math Fact Fluency Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-01-16 01/16/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Budget Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2023-11-14 11/14/23 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Improvement Plan & SIP Budge Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-04-24 04/24/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Zoom Join us for the monthly School Council Meeting on Wednesday April 24 via zoom. From 5:30 - 7PM. On the agenda is review and discuss the school climate survey results. Notice (pdf)
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Amigos School 2024-04-24 04/24/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Amigos School Bienvenid@s/Welcome Actualización/Update: Facilitadores/Facilitators AADU: Lewis Bryant ACC: Laura Bacon FOA: Melissa González ASC: Sarah Marrero ¿Qué es el consejo escolar?/ What is the school council? La minuta/Minutes Próximo año: Horario/ Next Year: Scheduling Presupuesto y personal 24-25/Budget and Hiring 24-25 Notice (pdf)
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Amigos School 2024-05-08 05/08/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm IN PERSON: Amigos Library Bienvenid@s/Welcome Actualización/Update: Facilitadores/Facilitators AADU: Lewis Bryant ACC: Laura Bacon FOA: Melissa González ASC: Sarah Marrero Reuniones por grupos / Breakout into Individual Meetings Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-05-07 05/07/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm https://meet.google.com/okh-dcvr-kng TBD Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-05-15 05/15/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Putnam Avenue Upper School Join us for the monthly School Council Meeting on Wednesday May 15 via Zoom from 5:30 - 7PM. On the agenda: Q&A discussion with Putnam Ave. caregivers. Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-06-12 06/12/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Zoom Join us for our final school council meeting of the year, to reflect on the year and plan for the upcoming school year SY24-25 Notice (pdf)
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Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-06-04 06/04/24 05:00 pm 06:00 pm 70 Rindge Ave., 2nd floor conference room Chronic absenteeism data, reflecting on the year and looking forward to next year Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-09-06 09/06/24 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-10-04 10/04/24 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-11-01 11/01/24 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2024-12-06 12/06/24 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2025-01-10 01/10/25 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2025-02-07 02/07/25 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2025-03-07 03/07/25 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
Fletcher Maynard Academy 2025-04-04 04/04/25 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
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Fletcher Maynard Academy 2025-05-02 05/02/25 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
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Fletcher Maynard Academy 2025-06-06 06/06/25 08:15 am 09:30 am Google Meet Link to All School Site Council https://meet.google.com/wmw-naqc-miw School Council Agenda Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-09-25 09/25/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm https://cpsd-us.zoom.us/j/92865371896 TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-10-30 10/30/24 06:00 pm 07:39 pm virtual TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-11-20 11/20/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School TBA Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2025-06-20 06/20/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin School TBD Notice (pdf)
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Tobin School 2025-05-16 05/16/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin Montessori School Door 6- Cub's Corner classroom TBD Notice (pdf)
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Tobin School 2025-04-11 04/11/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin Montessori School Door 6- Cub's Corner classroom TBD Notice (pdf)
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Tobin School 2025-03-21 03/21/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin Montessori School Door 6- Cub's Corner classroom TBD Notice (pdf)
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Tobin School 2025-02-14 02/14/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin Montessori School Door 6- Cub's Corner classroom TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2025-01-17 01/17/25 07:45 am 09:00 am Tobin School- Door 6 Social-Emotional Learning – Routines & Tips with our School Counselors Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-12-20 CANCELLED
08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin Montessori School Door 6- Cub's Corner classroom TBD Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-11-08 11/08/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin School Student Screeners in Grades JK-5 Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-10-18 10/18/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin School Student absenteeism. Notice (pdf)
Tobin School 2024-09-20 09/20/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Tobin School School Council Meeting Topic: Welcome and Introductions of SAC Representatives New Building Update & Photos School Improvement Plan Update 6th Grade Expansion--Contact Information Optional Feedback, Conversation about New Start & End Times Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-09-18 09/18/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-10-16 10/16/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2024-11-20 11/20/24 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2025-01-15 01/15/25 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2025-02-26 CANCELLED
06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-10-17 10/17/24 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School School Council Handbook Title I SY 24-25 Focus Spring Data: Glows, Grows and Next Steps Notice (pdf)
King Open School 2025-03-26 03/26/25 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
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King Open School 2025-04-16 04/16/25 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
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King Open School 2025-05-21 05/21/25 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
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King Open School 2025-06-18 06/18/25 06:00 pm 07:00 pm 850 Cambridge Street - King Open Music Room Welcome/Introduction/School Related Matter (TBD)/Closing Remarks Notice (pdf)
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Baldwin School 2024-09-24 09/24/24 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-11-07 11/07/24 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School SIP Budget Review and Discussion Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2024-12-05 12/05/24 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School Review feedback from the Asa P. Morse Survey and discuss next steps coming out of the data. Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2025-01-16 01/16/25 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School Girls on the Run and Developing Executive Function Skills and Training Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2025-02-06 02/06/25 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School Mid-Year Data Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2025-03-06 03/06/25 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School Start End Time for Morse SY25-26 Notice (pdf)
Morse School 2025-04-03 04/03/25 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School 40 Granite St TBA Notice (pdf)
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Morse School 2025-05-01 05/01/25 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School 40 Granite St TBA Notice (pdf)
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Morse School 2025-06-05 06/05/25 08:30 am 09:30 am Morse School 40 Granite St TBA Notice (pdf)
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Peabody School 2024-09-11 09/11/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Time: 6:30 pm Virtual link: Peabody School Council Zoom Link Meeting ID: 985 6278 7414 Passcode: 953573 Agenda Welcome- Abdel Sepulveda and Maria Collins Introduction of council members- Maria Collins Review of last meeting minutes- Picking up from where we left off Vision Handbook Website Assessing the first few days of school New hours New drop off and pick up spots Early drop off Updates Covid Playground Upcoming events Listening conferences Back to School/Curriculum Night Language Champions No progress report cards this year. In gratitude for our parent groups Connections Friends of Peabody New Business Selecting 2024-25 Co-Chair and Secretary Other New Business Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2024-09-11 09/11/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Amigos Library Bienvenida/Welcome Como ser voluntario en Amigos/How to volunteer at Amigos Friends of Amigos (FOA) Amigos Courageous Conversations (ACC) Amigos African Diaspora United (AADU) Amigos School Council (ASC) Actualizaciones y preguntas de la comunidad/ Community Updates and Questions Descanso / Break Amigos School Council Meeting What is the council? Elections Minutes Topics for the year Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2024-10-09 10/09/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome Friends of Amigos (FOA) Amigos Courageous Conversations (ACC) Amigos African Diaspora United (AADU) Amigos School Council (ASC) Actualizaciones y preguntas de la comunidad/ Community Updates and Questions Descanso / Break Amigos School Council Meeting Elections Minutes Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2024-11-13 11/13/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Amigos Library Bienvenida/Welcome Friends of Amigos (FOA) Amigos Courageous Conversations (ACC) Amigos African Diaspora United (AADU) Amigos School Council (ASC) Actualizaciones y preguntas de la comunidad/ Community Updates and Questions Descanso / Break Amigos School Council Meeting Minutes Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2024-12-11 12/11/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome Minuta/minutes Friends of Amigos (FOA) Amigos Courageous Conversations (ACC) Amigos African Diaspora United (AADU) Amigos School Council (ASC) Actualizaciones y preguntas de la comunidad/ Community Updates and Questions Notice (pdf)
Amigos School 2024-12-11 12/11/24 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual Bienvenida/Welcome Minuta/minutes Friends of Amigos (FOA) Amigos Courageous Conversations (ACC) Amigos African Diaspora United (AADU) Amigos School Council (ASC) Actualizaciones y preguntas de la comunidad/ Community Updates and Questions Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2024-09-19 09/19/24 05:45 pm 07:00 pm 44 Linnaean St, Cambridge, MA 02138 Welcome to School Council, Organizing for Collaborative Work, Planning for 2024-2025 School Council Notice (pdf)
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Cambridgeport School 2024-09-26 09/26/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Cambridgeport School Review of Family Handbook & Review of School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2024-10-24 10/24/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Improvement Planning Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2025-01-23 01/23/25 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Cambridgeport School School Budget Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2025-02-12 02/12/25 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Budget & School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2024-11-20 11/20/24 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2025-03-27 03/27/25 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Cambridgeport School School Improvement Plan & School Budget Notice (pdf)
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Cambridgeport School 2025-04-16 04/16/25 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Improvement Plan & Family Handbook Review Notice (pdf)
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Cambridgeport School 2025-05-22 05/22/25 04:45 pm 06:45 pm Virtual - Google Meet School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-09-25 09/25/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Zoom Welcome, Introduction to School Council Members, PAFA and more Notice (pdf)
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Haggerty School 2024-10-18 10/18/24 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-11-15 11/15/24 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2024-12-20 12/20/24 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2025-01-17 01/17/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2025-02-14 02/14/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
Haggerty School 2025-03-21 03/21/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
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Haggerty School 2025-04-11 04/11/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
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Haggerty School 2025-04-11 04/11/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
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Haggerty School 2025-05-16 05/16/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
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Haggerty School 2025-06-20 06/20/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Haggerty School TBD Notice (pdf)
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Peabody School 2024-10-09 10/09/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Time: 6:30 pm Virtual link: October School Council Meeting Agenda Welcome- Abdel Sepulveda and Maria Collins Review and approval of last meeting minutes- Maria Collins MCAS 2024 Presentation- Abdel Sepulveda Levering our SIP Goals- Abdel Sepulved Subcommittee’s Update- Maria Collins Vision - Michele Lippens Handbook- Melissa Garcia Website- Nicole Sullivan Ongoing Projects and Policy Updates- Maria Collins Covid- Robert Travers Playground- Abdel Sepulveda Bus Status Check: White Wolf? Upcoming events -Maria Collins Friends of Peabody Meeting -Maria Collins Language Champions- Nicole Sullivan and Maria Collins Peabody Yard Sale- Nicole Sullivan New Business - Maria Collins Adjourn Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-10-22 10/22/24 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-11-26 11/26/24 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2024-12-18 12/18/24 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin School Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2025-01-14 01/14/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2025-02-11 02/11/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2025-03-11 03/11/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Baldwin School 2025-04-08 04/08/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
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Baldwin School 2025-05-06 05/06/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
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Baldwin School 2025-06-10 06/10/25 07:45 am 08:45 am Baldwin Library Baldwin School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
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Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-10-24 10/24/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Council purpose & goals for the 24/25 school year. Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-11-19 11/19/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Improvement Plan Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2024-12-17 12/17/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2025-01-21 01/21/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2025-02-11 02/11/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Kennedy/Longfellow School 2025-03-25 03/25/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
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Kennedy/Longfellow School 2025-04-15 04/15/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
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Kennedy/Longfellow School 2025-05-20 05/20/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
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Kennedy/Longfellow School 2025-06-17 06/17/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-10-23 10/23/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Putnam Ave. Upper School. 100 Putnam Ave. Cambridge MA, 02139 PAUS SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING (in-person) Please join Putnam Ave. School Council Members and our school community for our monthly meeting in-person. We will review the school's budget (known as the SIP), participate in some activities to strategize enhancement for engagement, communication and collaboration. Learn about updates in programming and connect with fellow caregivers. All those who attend the meeting will receive a gift, relevant to raising middle schoolers! Light refreshments will be provided. Notice (pdf)
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Graham and Parks School 2024-10-24 10/24/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School & on Zoom of reviewing the school improvement plan and progress towards goals, for the purpose of ratifying and confirming the votes taken at the September 19, 2024 meeting of the Graham & Parks School Council and for the purpose of discussing charges brought against the Graham & Parks School Council with respect to the October 18, 2024 open meeting law complaint filed by Anna Shin. Votes may be taken. Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-10-22 10/22/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Both Expanded Learning Time Feedback Structure for Caregivers Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 0024-11-21 11/21/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm 44 Linnaean St, Cambridge, MA 02138 G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2024-11-21 CANCELLED
05:45 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School RESCHEDULED TO DECEMBER 12th - School Council Meeting to review and discuss the School Budget as well as potential new business to come before the Council. Votes may be taken. Notice (pdf)Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2025-01-30 01/30/25 05:45 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School G&P School Council Meeting to review and discuss the G&P team structure, budget follow-up, process for creating School Council Sub-committees and any potential new business to come before the Council. Votes may be taken. Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2025-03-06 03/06/25 05:45 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School School Council Meeting to review and discuss proposal to create subcommittees as well as potential new business to come before the Council. Votes may be taken. This meeting was rescheduled from February 27th. Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2025-03-27 03/27/25 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School & on Zoom G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
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Graham and Parks School 2024-05-01 05/01/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School & on Zoom G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
Graham and Parks School 2025-05-29 05/29/25 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Graham & Parks School and on Zoom G&P School Council Meeting Notice (pdf)
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Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-10-22 10/22/24 07:00 pm 08:00 pm meet.google.com/sko-opyd-dei Introductions & setting focus for year Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-01-31 01/31/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm (CRLS--Principal Conference Room) 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA. Migrant families update, Budget approval, New School Name, 5th Grade Transition Mtg, Movie Night Date, SEI Positions, Supporting Students with low Reading Skills. Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 0204-02-28 02/28/04 07:00 pm 08:30 pm CRLS (459 Broadway Ct. Cambridge, MA) in the Principal's Conference Room. Next Years Schedule--Start and End Times, ERD , Sharing The SIP, Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-03-20 03/20/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm CRLS (459 Broadway Ct. Cambridge, MA.) in the Principal's Conference Room. No Expected FTE Increases For SY 24-25, April Agenda, Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-04-24 04/24/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Cambridge Public Library -School Council Elections -Next Year Planning -Student Govt joining SC (rotating students) -District Guidelines -What Messaging To Parents About New Start and End Times -Email From After School Coordinator For Next Year's Clubs Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-05-22 05/22/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Vassal Lane Upper School -Public Comment..Making Sure It Works -School Council Nominations--Staff+Families -FOVLUS Update (Recruiting) -Student Seats Fall 24-25 School Year) -Affinity Wednesdays -New Days For After School Clubs -Upper School Math Update -Algebra 2 (Highschool) Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-06-11 06/11/24 07:30 pm 08:30 pm On Zoom -VLUS Members (Intro) -School Council...What's Next -Calendar (Next year-August) -Core Teachers Availability During FLEX Blocks -Summer Tours Of The New Building -Graduation Update -Staff Announcements Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-09-26 09/26/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Vassal Lane Upper School -Principles Updates -Start Of The School Year -Cell Phone Updates -New Staff -FLEX And Community Circles -Listening Conferences and Student Led Conference -New Building Update -Chromebook Restrictions -Upper School Handbook Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-10-23 10/23/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm Cambridge Public Library (Rindge Room) -Updates -Sara Foleno (Guest)-Student Data Reporting -Phone Policy -Chromebook Distribution -School Bus Challenges -More Support For Students Struggling With Math Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-11-19 11/19/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm TBA TBD Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2024-12-18 12/18/24 07:00 pm 08:30 pm TBA TBD Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2025-01-29 01/29/25 07:30 pm 08:30 pm TBA TBD Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2025-02-26 02/26/25 07:30 pm 08:30 pm On Zoom (LINK TO BE SHARED) TBD Notice (pdf)
Vassal Lane Upper School 2025-03-26 03/26/25 07:30 pm 08:30 pm TBA TBD Notice (pdf)
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Vassal Lane Upper School 2025-04-30 04/30/25 07:00 pm 08:30 pm TBA TBD Notice (pdf)
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Vassal Lane Upper School 2025-05-28 05/28/25 07:00 pm 08:30 pm TBA TBD Notice (pdf)
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Vassal Lane Upper School 2025-06-18 06/18/25 07:00 pm 08:30 pm TBA TBD Notice (pdf)
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Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-11-19 11/19/24 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Rindge Avenue Upper School Discipline & responses to disruptive or violent behaviors Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-11-19 11/19/24 08:00 am 09:00 am ELT ELT Survey Results (longer school day) Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-11-20 11/20/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Zoom During the October meeting, we met in person as a school community on Oct. 23rd, to review the schools SIP (School Improvement Plan) Budget, and engaged in a discussion about the SIP and Family Engagement. Led by our caregiver council members, we are excited to dive deeper into this much needed discussion in the next meeting (via zoom). We will also review our MCAS Data. Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2024-12-10 12/10/24 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Rindge Avenue Upper School Ways to encourage positive behaviors Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2025-01-14 01/14/25 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Rindge Avenue Upper School School culture & climate: ideas for proactively encouraging positive behaviors Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2025-02-11 02/11/25 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2025-03-11 03/11/25 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
Rindge Avenue Upper School 2025-04-08 04/08/25 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
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Rindge Avenue Upper School 2025-05-13 05/13/25 07:00 pm 08:00 pm Virtual TBD Notice (pdf)
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Rindge Avenue Upper School 2025-06-10 06/10/25 07:00 pm 08:00 pm TBD TBD Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Street Upper School 2024-11-21 11/21/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Street Upper School 2024-12-19 12/19/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Street Upper School 2025-01-16 01/16/25 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2025-02-27 02/27/25 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Street Upper School 2025-03-20 03/20/25 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Street Upper School 2025-04-17 04/17/25 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Street Upper School 2025-05-15 05/15/25 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Street Upper School 2025-06-12 06/12/25 06:30 pm 07:30 pm 840 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 TBD Notice (pdf)
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Graham and Parks School 2024-12-12 12/12/24 05:45 pm 07:00 pm Graham and Parks School School Council Meeting to review and discuss the School Budget as well as potential new business to come before the Council. Votes may be taken. This meeting was rescheduled from November 21st. Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2024-12-18 12/18/24 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Hybrid TBA Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2025-01-22 01/22/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School TBA Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2025-03-26 03/26/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School TBA Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2025-02-26 02/26/25 06:00 pm 08:00 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin School and zoom Subcommittees report out on recommendations for addressing opportunity gap & improving 9th grade transition, Wellness 2, Internships, and Community Questions on Bike Racks, Bathrooms, ICE & Gemini Notice (pdf)
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2025-04-30 04/30/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin school TBA Notice (pdf)
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Cambridge Rindge and Latin School 2025-05-28 05/28/25 06:00 pm 07:30 pm Cambridge Rindge and Latin school TBA Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2024-12-17 12/17/24 08:00 am 09:00 am Both School Improvement Plan Budget Notice (pdf)
Putnam Avenue Upper School 2024-12-18 12/18/24 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Putnam Avenue Upper School Join us on Wednesday, Dec. 18th for a virtual School Council Meeting. We will continue our discussion about Family Engagement led by our Caregiver School Council members and how we can partner together to strengthen our Home-To-School partnership. Zoom: https://cpsd-us.zoom.us/j/99471127486?pwd=8tFCRnBQaKfelqQhsYQ7Sq5RQ1BTlR.1 Meeting ID: 994 7112 7486 Passcode: 178772 Notice (pdf)
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Putnam Avenue Upper School 2205-01-22 01/22/05 05:30 pm 07:00 pm Putnam Avenue Upper School Join Zoom Meeting https://cpsd-us.zoom.us/j/99471127486?pwd=8tFCRnBQaKfelqQhsYQ7Sq5RQ1BTlR.1 Meeting ID: 994 7112 7486 Passcode: 178772 Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-01-21 01/21/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Both MLK Friends Update Notice (pdf)
Cambridgeport School 2025-06-05 06/05/25 04:45 pm 06:45 pm School Improvement Plan Monitoring and Planning for SY 225/26 We will check in on our goals and plan for next school year. Notice (pdf)
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Peabody School 2024-12-11 12/11/24 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual School Council Agenda Wednesday, December 11th 6:30 pm Join with this link: Peabody School Council Welcome Approval of minutes SIP Budget Presentation Playground Upgrade Vision Presentation Winter Conferences - Our Why Advocating for Additional Special Educator Support Other Business Next Meeting Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2025-01-08 01/08/25 06:30 pm 07:30 pm Virtual January School Council Meeting - Wednesday, January 8th, 6:30 pm - All are invited to attend - Agenda and Zoom link below Wednesday, Jan 8, 6:30 PM School Council Meeting Wednesday, January 8, 2025 6:30 - 7:30 pm Join via Zoom: January School Council Meeting Link Everyone is welcome to attend A G E N D A Approval of minutes from December’s Meeting Letter from School Council members to School Committee and Superintendent Upcoming Events Stories and Stuffies Coffee with the Coaches Parent Teacher Conferences/Community Event Math and ELA Night 4. MCAS and ACCESS Dates 5. Other Business Notice (pdf)
Peabody School 2025-02-12 02/12/25 07:45 am 08:45 am virtual Please join us - School Council - Wednesday, February 12th - 7:45 AM - please note time change Peabody School Council February Meeting Wednesday, February 12th 7:45 AM (Please note, this is a morning meeting) February School Council Meeting A G E N D A Welcome Presentation and Acceptance of Minutes (from January meeting) Playground Update with Kevin Beauttell from Cambridge Department of Public Works Overview of Wednesday Evening’s Parent/Teacher Conferences & Family Event Social Media Activity District’s Safety Plan Report Cards We look forward to your participation! Best, Peabody School Council Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-02-25 02/25/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Coffee with the Council . Notice (pdf)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-03-25 03/25/25 08:00 am 09:00 am Math Update x Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-04-15 04/15/25 08:00 am 09:00 am tbd x Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-05-20 05/20/25 08:00 am 09:00 am tbd x Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-05-20 05/20/25 08:00 am 09:00 am tbd x Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-05-20 05/20/25 08:00 am 09:00 am tbd x Notice (pdf)
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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School 2025-05-20 05/20/25 08:00 am 09:00 am tbd x Notice (pdf)
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