Regular Meeting of the School Committee Meeting | Agenda

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Held in and broadcast from the Dr. Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, Cambridge Rindge, and Latin School, 459 Broadway, Cambridge. To sign up to call in using the ZOOM app on your computer or mobile device: visit www.cpsd.us/school_committee/virtual

Regular Meetings will be live-streamed at www.cpsd.us and broadcast on Cambridge Educational Access TV (CEATV) Channel 98/99, as usual. Motions shown below are updated live as they progress.

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

*Revised Agenda with Supplemental Recommendation

November 19, 2024 | 06:00 pm

1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:

3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:
  • October 15, 2024, Regular Meeting
  • October 15, 2024, Roundtable
  • October 29, 2024, Special Meeting (Superintendent Search Timeline)
  • October 29, 2024 Special Meeting (Interim Superintendent Contract)

4. Reconsiderations:

5. Unfinished Business/Calendar:
#24-227: 2024 Superintendent Search Timeline | Joint Motion by Member Rojas, Member Weinstein, Member Rachel: Download File
#24-241: Six Minutes Public Comment CEA President | Joint Motion by Member Weinstein, Member Rojas: Download File

WHEREAS: The public comment portion of regular Cambridge School Committee meetings is an important opportunity for speakers to share their views with the School Committee in a format that is accessible to the public; and

WHEREAS: Each speaker is allotted three minutes to speak during public comment, and past practice of the Cambridge School Committee has been to allot six minutes of speaking time to the president of the Cambridge Education Association (CEA); and

WHEREAS: This practice of allotting six minutes to the president of the CEA has not been formally established in the School Committees rules or procedures; and

WHEREAS: The president of the CEA, when speaking in their capacity in that role, is representing 1,500 Cambridge Public Schools educators and is elected to serve as their representative; and

WHEREAS: Hearing the perspectives, priorities, concerns, recommendations and feedback of those educators is valuable to the work of the School Committee; now therefore be it 

RESOLVED: That the president of the CEA is allotted either six minutes of speaking time to deliver public comment at regular Cambridge School Committee meetings when the regular time limit is three minutes or they are allotted four minutes when the time limit is reduced to two minutes by the Chair based on the number of individuals signed up to speak; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the president or similar designated representative of any bargaining unit that has a contract with the Cambridge Public School District also be allotted the same minutes of speaking time as the president of the CEA to deliver public comment at regular Cambridge School Committee meetings.

#24-243: Superintendent Search Process | Joint Motion by Member Hudson, Member Weinstein, Member Rachel: Download File

WHEREAS: The hiring of a Superintendent is the most consequential decision the School Committee will make; and

WHEREAS: Many timelines for the search have been proposed, but none yet adopted; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the School Committee will commit to a search timeline no later than October 15, 2024; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the timeline will explicitly include interim dates by which the following milestones will have taken place: 1) Hiring of a Search Firm; 2) Stakeholder Meetings Ahead of Job Posting; 3) Job Posting Approved; 4) Job Posting Publicly Released and Advertised; 5) Application Deadline; 6) Search Firm Review of Applicants, and Proposal of Shortlist; 7) Shortlisted Candidate Interviews; 8) Offer Made; and be it further 

RESOLVED That the School Committee will make clear, in writing, who will be responsible for drafting a timeline for the Committee to consider, who will be responsible for organizing the Stakeholder meetings, and who will serve as the Hiring Committee.

#24-245: Public Speaking Time | Motion by Member Hudson: Download File

WHEREAS: All residents are welcome to speak during Public Comment – but some residents have been elected by large groups of residents, to speak on their behalf; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That any elected representative of a group with a membership larger than 500 individuals (living or working within the District) and all union leaders be entitled to twice the time allocated to an individual at a given meeting, not to exceed 6 minutes. 

#24-259: Tobin Montessori School Preliminary Report | Joint Motion by Member Hudson, Member Harding: Download File

WHEREAS: The Tobin Montessori School was recently recognized by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and by the Cambridge Public Schools Superintendent for its high student achievement; 

WHEREAS: The Tobin Montessori School is leading the way within the Cambridge Public School District, delivering clear, measurable progress in narrowing gaps in achievement between students with different backgrounds – an issue that the District has long stated is its most important; and

WHEREAS: The School Committee went on record a year ago supporting the expansion of the and directed the Superintendent to “…provide a report and recommendation to the committee a plan of action for the possible next steps…”; and

WHEREAS: No report nor recommendation was ever made; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the School Committee request that the Superintendent provide a preliminary report on the feasibility of making this change, and a recommendation from the Superintendent as to whether next steps are warranted and what those next steps would be, no later than December 31, 2024 (with the definition of preliminary to be determined by the Superintendent).Tobin Montessori program (specifically, “…to explore the recommendation of the American Montessori Association Accreditation team to extend the Tobin Montessori Upper Elementary Program to three years…”) and referred the matter to the Superintendent “…for further review of the recommendations from the Accreditation team to explore implications of such a change including but not limited to the budget impact, upper school enrollment, and feeder patterns…” 

6. Awaiting Reports:

7. Superintendent’s Agenda:

7a. Superintendent's Update:

Brief update on the work of the district administration in preparation for the 2024 state & national elections along with pertinent district updates subsequent thereto and a draft of the FY26 Operating Budget timeline as developed in coordination between the district administration & budget co-chairs.

7b. Presentations:

CPS district administrators will brief the School Committee on the administration's analysis of the most recent state achievement & accountability data, with particular focus on areas in which the district administration believe significant & improvement and/or change is vitally necessary for the purpose of improving student outcomes. 

  • David Murphy, Interim Superintendent of Schools 
  • Jennifer Amigone, Director of Assessment & Accountability 
  • Dr. Heather Francis, Executive Director of Academics
  • Dr. Chad Leith, Chief of Accountability
  • Dr. Michelle Madera, Asst. Superintendent of Elementary Education 
7c. CPS District Plan:


7d. Consent Agenda:
#24-263 Recommendation: Approval of the Tentative Agreement between the Cambridge School Committee & the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Council 93, Local 1611 for a Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026
#24-264 Recommendation: Approval of Revision to the Food Service Policy (First Reading)
#24-265 Recommendation: Day & Residential Services not Available from the Cambridge School Department
#24-266 Recommendation: Contract Award: Apple: Staff Devises, Student iPads & Other apple Accessories
#24-267 Recommendation: Contract Award: B & H Photo Video, Inc.: Multi Media Equipment & Services
#24-268 Recommendation: Contract Award: CDW Government LLC: Computer Hardware & Supplies
#24-269 Recommendation: Contract Award: Center for Leadership & Educational Equity: Professional Development
#24-270 Recommendation: Contract Award: Epoch Healthcare LLC: Special Educationa Transportation Services
#24-271 Recommendation: Contract Award: Keylingo Translations: Translation Services
#24-272 Recommendation: Contract Award: MInuteman Regional HIgh School: Student Tuition
#24-273 Recommendation: Contract Award: DJT Transportation: Student Transportation
#24-274 Recommendation: Contract Award: NCS Pearson, Inc.: Assessment Materials & Software
#24-275 Recommendation: Contract Award: Perkins School for the Blind: Special Education Services
#24-276 Recommendation: Contract Award: Public Consulting: Medicaid Reimbursement Claiming Services
#24-277 Recommendation: Gifts/Miscellaneous Receipts
#24-278 Recommendation: Grant Award: FY25 Early College Support Grant (SC25831)
#24-279 Recommendation: Grant Award: FY25 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (SC25605)
#24-280 Recommendation: Grant award: FY25 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Early Childhood (SC25607)

8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):
#24-281: Governance Subcommittee Report October 22, 2024 | Motion by
#24-282: Curriculum and Achievement Subcommittee Report, October 23, 2024 | Motion by
#24-283: Communications & Community Relations Subcommittee Report, October 30, 2024 | Motion by
#24-284: Dr. Carolyn L. Turk Auditorium | Joint Motion by Member Rachel, Mayor Simmons, Vice Chair Hunter: Download Attachment

WHEREAS: Dr. Carolyn L. Turk retired from the Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) after 46 years of service in 2023; and

WHEREAS: Dr. Carolyn L. Turk is a lifelong Cantabrigian who was educated in the Cambridge Public Schools, attended the Russell Elementary School and then the Tobin, graduated in 1973 from Cambridge High and Latin School, before proceeding to institutions of higher education; and

WHEREAS: Dr. Carolyn L. Turk began her career with Cambridge Public Schools as an Extended Term Substitute, became a full-time teacher at the Tobin, served as Acting Assistant Principal at the Tobin in 1991, Assistant Principal at the Tobin in 1992; Acting Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction in 1998, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction in 1999, and finally, the Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning in 2002, a role in which she served tremendously for twenty-one years; and

WHEREAS: The 2022-23 School Committee recognized Dr. Turk’s contributions to the students, educators, and families of Cambridge Public Schools and expressed intent to name a physical space in her honor; now therefore be it 

RESOLVED: That the auditorium of the new Tobin Montessori and Darby Vassal schools will be named the Dr. Carolyn L. Turk Auditorium and will be adorned with appropriate signage.

#24-285: Public Comment Uniform Time Limit | Joint Motion by Mayor Simmons, Vice Chair Hunter: Download Attachment

WHEREAS: The School Committee recognizes the importance of fairness and equality in its rules and practices, particularly regarding public comment procedures; and

WHEREAS: The School Committee Governance Subcommittee has determined that establishing a consistent time limit for all speakers in public comment would support equitable participation across all individuals; and

WHEREAS: A standard time limit of three (3) minutes for public comment was discussed and recommended by the School Committee Governance Subcommittee, ensuring that no individuals receive preferential time allowances; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the School Committee formally adopts a standard time limit of three (3) minutes for all individuals participating in public comment; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the School Committee Rules be amended to reflect this three-minute time limit standard, specifying that these rules shall apply uniformly to all individuals to ensure equal opportunity for community members to share their perspectives in public meetings.

#24-286: Bus Tracking | Motion by Member Harding: Download Attachment

WHEREAS: The Cambridge Public Schools aims to provide safe, reliable, and transparent transportation for all students, including those attending out-of-district placements; and

WHEREAS: Families and caregivers deserve peace of mind regarding the safety and location of their students during transportation to and from out-of-district placements; and

WHEREAS: There is a current lack of student tracking capability that limits the ability for families and caregivers to monitor the location of students who attend schools out-of-district; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the Cambridge School Committee directs the administration to explore and evaluate the feasibility of implementing tracking solutions such as Apple AirTags or comparable technology to provide families and caregivers of out-of-district students with real-time access to their students’ location while in transit; and be it further

RESOLVED: That this exploration should consider:

  1. The cost, effectiveness, and limitations of Apple AirTags or similar devices.
  2. Privacy and safety concerns for students and families.
  3. Options for device management, data security, and adherence to relevant district policies and regulations.
  4. Communication and support plans for families opting to use this service.

#24-287: High School Graduation Requirements | Joint Motion by Member Rojas, Member Hudson, Member Weinstein: Download Attachment

WHEREAS:  Passing the MCAS will stop being a state-mandated graduation requirement starting with the class of 2025, unless action is taken by the legislature; and

WHEREAS:  Now districts will need to certify that students have mastered the skills, competencies and knowledge of the state standards; and

WHEREAS:  The Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) awaits guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) on how to handle this change; and

WHEREAS:  Former high school students who did not pass the MCAS tests but met all other graduation requirements may be eligible re-enroll to receive a high school diploma; and

WHEREAS:  The District’s mission is that CPS delivers an excellent education that inspires, acknowledges, empowers, and supports every student on their personal journey to achieve their highest potential in and beyond school and as productive members of their communities; now therefore be it

RESOLVED:  That the Cambridge School Committee and the CPS Administration will undertake a review of high school graduation requirements to establish any potential new requirements and to revise existing ones that might be needed to ensure the district is meeting its mission and vision for all of our graduates, in addition to certifying that students have mastered the skills, competencies and knowledge of the state standards; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Superintendent will present a plan for this review by or before February 24, 2025.

10. Resolutions:

11. Announcements:

12. Late Orders:
#Late Order November 19 2024: Resolution Reaffirming the Values of CPS and Cementing its Status as a Welcoming District for all Students, Staff and Families | Joint Motion by Member Rachel, Mayor Simmons, Member Rojas: Download Attachment

WHEREAS: Cambridge has been a Sanctuary City since 1985, and we have reaffirmed our commitment to
remain so as recently as 2016; and
WHEREAS: The Cambridge School Committee wholeheartedly embraces its commitment to creating and
maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) students, staff, and
families; and
WHEREAS: CPS policies including but not limited to JB - EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES, GBA -
HATE CRIMES, JIKD - FREEDOM OF RELIGION express the Committee and district’s commitment to prohibit
unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation on the basis of sexual orientation, gender or sex, gender
identity, race or ethnicity, ethnic group identification, ancestry, nationality, national origin, religion, color, mental or
physical disability, age, immigration status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, genetic information,
political belief or affiliation, military status, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with
one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in the educational programs or activities the district
operates; and
WHEREAS: All CPS staff and students are entitled to their First Amendment right to free speech, but
harassment, discrimination, and bias-based harm have no place in CPS school communities and will not be
tolerated; and
WHEREAS: Students deserve a safe and supportive space to learn, reflect, and develop critical thinking skills.
CPS encourages educator engagement with students to discuss difficult, controversial, or emotionally charged
topics in a safe and productive manner. In doing so, CPS provides guidance and resources for supporting,
managing, and reflecting on student civil discourse, civic learning, and civic engagement. This includes
recognizing the factors that have shaped perspectives, including life experience, family, culture, and identity. The
purpose is to provide space where young people generate questions, explore their curiosities, strengthen their
civic skills, and analyze aspects of our society and government; and
WHEREAS: CPS’ students, staff and their families originate from many different countries, and may have
received temporary legal status under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), may be undocumented,
and/or may live in mixed status households; and
WHEREAS: CPS reflects the diverse population of the world, which the district celebrates in many ways through
students’ daily experiences; and
WHEREAS: CPS is committed to ensuring students have access to a high-quality, well-rounded, rigorous, and
joyful education. To achieve this, CPS continuously works to ensure that students see themselves reflected in the
curriculum by incorporating LGBTQIA+, disabled, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and other historical figures into
its lessons; now therefore be it
1. CPS will work alongside its partners and immigration advocates to provide training and support for students,
staff and their families on immigrant rights, understanding various legal statuses, and the overall health and wellbeing
of those affected.
2. CPS will provide multi-language resources for its students, staff, and their families in partnership with the City
on legal assistance, immigrant rights, mental health care, and public safety.
3. CPS will include in any legislative agenda advocacy at the state and federal levels for Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals, Temporary Protective Status, and Refugee Settlement Programs, as well as oppose any
legislation for the creation of a Muslim registry system or eroding civil rights protections upon our communities.
4. CPS schools will always welcome all students, staff and their families regardless of legal status.
5. CPS will not provide assistance to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the enforcement of
federal civil immigration law. Therefore, ICE will not be permitted access to CPS facilities or personnel except in
the rare instances in which CPS is provided with a criminal warrant.
6. CPS will continue to honor changes in names and/or pronouns that students and families have requested, and
will welcome individuals to use facilities that match their gender identities.
7. CPS will continue to teach about sexual and reproductive health, consistent with policies including IHAM-1 -
8. The Mayor, Superintendent, and School Committee Members will publicly defend these values as
circumstances warrant.

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers: None

Updated on 11/18/2024 17:02 PM