View Recommendation

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By
09/17/2019 Adopted

Recommendation Information


That Superintendent's Recommendation #19-232, Grant Award, be adopted as follows:that the School Committee accept and approve the grant award in the amount and for the period indicated:

FY20 Title III: English Language Acquisition for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students, for the period September 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, in the amount of $79,603.00.Project/Grant SC20737

Description:This grant will fund three five-week supplemental summer enrichment programs for English Language Learners (ELL's) at the Graham and Parks, Kennedy/Longfellow, and Vassal Lane Upper School.The programs will improve educational performance by assisting these students to learn English and meet State academic content standards.It will also provide support for Parent ESL classes, field trips for the summer programs, and registration for Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) teachers to attend the annual MATSOL Conference.ELL's at a private school who are assessed for eligibility will receive tutoring services on a proportional basis.