<p>WHEREAS: Debra Pierce will be retiring after thirty years of exemplary service to our students; and</p><p>WHERE AS: Debra Pierce, an extraordinarily dedicated daughter, mother, spouse, and most recently proud grandmother, has devoted her 30-year career to what she loved most in this world, working with children.</p><p>AND WHERES AS: Education came naturally to Debbie as the daughter of two teachers in New Jersey. Her parents inspired her to obtain a teaching degree, but she did not initially go into education. A true ‘Jersey Girl’ at heart, Debbie began her early career in Atlantic City as it was just taking off as a hub for premier casinos and entertainment. She spent her initial working years as a restaurant manager at two different casinos. Here, she would meet her future husband, Michael, a sweet-toothed casino fellow manager in hospitality who found every excuse to frequent the ice cream parlor she managed.</p><p>AND WHERES AS: Having attended Atlantic Community College and then Glassboro State College (now Rowan University), she focused on early primary education. She completed her teaching practicum in Winslow Township, New Jersey, and her student teaching at the Primary school in her beloved hometown of Ocean City, New Jersey. Upon leaving casino life to move to Atlanta, Georgia, she began her teaching career, first in kindergarten and then third grade. Debbie moved from Atlanta to the Boston suburbs and began teaching in the Newton school district for two years before finding a perfect fit in Cambridge’s Peabody School in 1992. In 1998 she received her master’s in special needs education at Lesley College, where she was chosen to deliver the student commencement speech. She would go on to host many Lesley students for their student teaching assignments, including some of the Peabody’s current lead teachers in other grade levels.</p><p>AND WHERE AS: Throughout her career she has gone above and beyond to make students excited to come to school each day through engaging lessons on topics and subjects such as rocks and minerals, poetry, American history lessons, and so much more. One of Debbie’s favorite events from past years remains Mystery History. Students researched a historical figure and then had the opportunity to come in dressed up as the person they studied and educate other students and families about them. Events like this one where the community could come together are some of the most memorable moments for Debbie.</p><p>AND WHERE AS: Debbie Pierce is the embodiment of Peabody Pride. In the last 29 years, she has participated in numerous Halloween Parades, Turkey Trots, Holiday Concerts, Spaghetti Nights, Talent Shows, Danehy Park Picnics, Hospital Chorus Concerts, Duck Boat Tours, Toy Drives, and of course, 8th Grade Graduations. A time where she can always be found cheering for her former student’s accomplishments as they walk across the stage. Behind the scenes, Debbie leaves anonymous gifts at some of her students’ homes for the holidays and is always happy to donate jackets, snow pants, mittens, and hats for students without.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the School Committee go on record thanking Debra Pierce for her exceptional years of service to the Cambridge Public Schools and wishing her a joyful retirement; and be it further</p><p>RESOLVED: That the Executive Secretary be and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Debra Pierce on behalf of the entire Committee.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
06/21/2022 Adopted

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