<p>WHEREAS: The School Committee is committed to the vision of CPSD’s <a href="https://www.cpsd.us/thevillage">The Village</a> of an anti-racist district that works in partnership and shared ownership with caregivers of color, co-creating authentic environments that unleash the capacity of our young people, caregivers, and system; and </p><p>WHEREAS: The School Committee wants to help ensure that this important work is having an impact and making a positive difference with CPSD families and students; now therefore be it</p><p>RESOLVED: That the School Committee requests an update on The Village’s current programming, the impact of its programming, and the number of CPSD families and students who are participating in its programs.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
05/07/2024 Adopted

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