<p>WHEREAS: Cambridge Public Schools is committed to fostering a collaborative relationship with parents and caregivers and; </p><p>WHEREAS: The School Committee is aware of the many challenges of managing family schedules; and</p><p>WHEREAS: The new school schedules will be implemented in the 2024-2-025 school year; and</p><p>WHEREAS: The School Committee is interested in learning more about the feedback from CPSD families regarding the implementation of the new school schedules; now therefore be it</p><p>RESOLVED: Requests from the Superintendent a report on the communications outreach to CPSD families regarding the new school schedules including the communications schedule, outreach mechanisms, and the number of families engaged in related events and/or communications.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
05/07/2024 Adopted

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