<p>WHEREAS: The Cambridge School Committee’s policy on the “Non-Tolerance of Hate Crimes” specifies that we “will not stand for hate crimes;” and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Despite a change in how the federal government collects hate crime statistics, in 2021 the FBI reported the highest rates of hate crimes in a dozen years, and multiple advocacy organizations documented record levels of hate crime incidents based on race, nationality, gender, and religion; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: The Cambridge Public Schools not only prohibits hate incidents, but takes pride in our active embrace of anti-racist, equitable, and liberatory education, as reflected in the CPS Anti-racist vision and mission statements to “support learning spaces where all students are known, celebrated, empowered and thrive;” now, therefore, be it</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the School Committee updates policy <a href="https://z2policy.ctspublish.com/masc/browse/cambridgeset/cambridge/JICFA-E-1">JICFA-E-1 - NON-TOLERANCE OF HATE CRIMES </a> to elaborate that the Committee and district also are intolerant of all incidents and bias-based behavior and expressions of hate, be they crimes or not; and be it further</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the policy include that educators will prioritize responding to incidents of hate in a manner that utilizes the experience as a teachable moment for students, allowing all students to engage, process, learn and build community; and be it further</p> <p>RESOLVED: That educators may invite students directly impacted or involved to participate in restorative practices; and be it further</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the Cambridge Public Schools will provide access to and counseling support for students following such incidents; and be it further</p> <p>RESOLVED: That when incidents of hate occur, the Superintendent or their designee will alert School Committee Members in a timely manner. </p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
03/07/2023 Adopted
03/07/2023 Adopted
03/21/2023 Adopted

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