<p>WHEREAS: Thirty-one students (see:<a href="https://cdn5-ss5.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_3042785/File/school_committee/agenda/AppendixA.pdf">Appendix A</a>) from Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) attended the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) Conference in New York City from March 18 through March 21, 2022; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Students have been conducting research and doing other preparation for this conference since October of 2021; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Students represented several specialized agencies and countries at this year's MUN Conference, such as Afghanistan, Argentina, China, and more; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: The CRLS MUN delegation was presented with six different awards for their individual and overall performance (see:<a href="https://cdn5-ss5.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_3042785/File/school_committee/agenda/AppendixB.pdf">Appendix B</a>) in committees that discussed topics like international security, gender equity, migration, criminal justice, and more; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: CRLS student Nicolas Valayannapoulos-Akrivou was invited to speak in front of the entire NHSMUN Conference during the plenary session to present his committees' research and work; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: These students deserve recognition for their hard work and dedication to the CRLS MUN team; now therefore be it</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the Cambridge School Committee go on record honoring and congratulating these scholars on their hard work and dedication; and be it further</p> <p>RESOLVED: That a formal copy of this resolution be prepared by the Executive Secretary to the School Committee and forwarded to the students listed in the appendix</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
04/05/2022 Adopted

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