<p>WHEREAS: The School Committee was elated to learn about Thomas ‘Tommy' Trainor, 8th-grade civics teacher at RAUC, profiled in “Teaching Civics After January 6th" in US News and World Report; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Over the past, three and a half years, Tommy and other CPS 8th grade civics teachers worked closely with the department and Harvard's Democratic Knowledge Project to create, implement and refine a new curriculum, "Civic Education in our Democracy," that is aligned with the 2018 HSS Framework and includes the state-required student-led civic engagement project; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Mr. Trainor is from Cambridge played youth baseball, worked in the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program (MSYEP) as a youth, and later as a Counselor to teaching civics for over 15 years to Cambridge upper school scholars; now therefore be it</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the School Committee go on record extending their congratulations to Mr. Trainor; and be it further</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the Executive Secretarybe and hereby is requested to forward a suitably engrossed copy of this resolution to Mr. Trainor on behalf of the entire School Committee.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
02/15/2022 Adopted

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