<p>WHEREAS: The Superintendent and School Committee have been working with the Department of Human Services Programs to expand access to afterschool programs; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Cambridge Public Schools have increased access to space for programs within school buildings, and have recruited district staff to apply for DHSP afterschool positions; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: A waiting list of over two hundred families remains for city-run after-school programs this school year; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Many students attend afterschool programs run by community partners; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: The Cambridge Public Schools transportation policy has made extended considerations for students in grades 6-8 beyond the state requirement; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: The School Committee requested a plan for transporting students to after-school programs last year (21-311, Members Wilson and Fantini); and</p> <p>WHEREAS: Cambridge Public Schools provided additional funding to community partners last year to address the transportation needs of their participants; and</p> <p>WHEREAS: The administration has examined options for bus routes and policies, including those outlined in the Student Transportation Assessment; now, therefore, be it</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the Cambridge Public Schools will work with the contracted transportation company to address student transportation to afterschool programs, including but not limited to allowing students to ride buses that have the capacity, and exploring adding stops along/near existing routes; and be it further</p> <p>RESOLVED: That the administration will provide the School Committee with an update on related efforts no later than October 31, 2022.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
08/09/2022 Adopted

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