<p>Whereas: The SOLVED collaborative (Shore Occupational Learning and Vocational Educational Division) consisting of the following communities: Cambridge, Medford, Somerville, Waltham, and Boston were formed to offer opportunities to engage students in Chapter 74 Career and Technical programs not offered in their home community; and </p> <p>Whereas: The SOLVED collaborative began as a recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools in 2003 with the goal of providing more opportunities at no cost to member communities, providing out of district cost savings by allowing students to only attend SOLVED collaboration schools; and </p> <p>Whereas: Our RSTA program has 12 approved Chapter 74 programs and an exploratory program while there are approximately 47 available Chapter 74 programs, broken down by 11 cluster groupings, offered for students to attend, many of which are in high demand and offer a family wage; and </p> <p>Whereas: Acceptance to a Chapter 74 program in our collaborative is contingent upon their being available space in the receiving community; and </p> <p>Whereas: Cambridge promoted the collaborative program in all our middle schools trying to recruit students; and </p> <p>Whereas: In most situations, availability was slim, resulting in only eight students participating in programs in other SOLVED communities during the 16 years since inception(seven of our students attended the Cosmetology Program in Medford, and one attended the Metal Fabrication Program in Somerville), while 37 students from other schools attended our programs; and </p> <p>Whereas: Because of this lack of success, our students are being denied the opportunities that would lead to a meaningful career and living wage, and taking advantage of the city's economic expansion, denying the opportunity for a student to pursue the subject area of their choice; now therefore be it Resolved: That the Superintendent be directed to notify the Superintendents in the other SOLVED districts of Cambridge's withdrawal from the SOLVED collaborative by April 30, 2021; and be it further Resolved: That the Superintendent begin an assessment of CPSD program offerings to ensure high demand programs, meaningful internships, apprenticeship programs, offering teachers externships in key industries, early college opportunities, and further creating opportunities for our students to attend high demand, high wage Chapter 74 programs, beginning as ninth graders; and be it further Resolved: That the Superintendent shall explore opportunities for students to participate in regional technical vocational high school programs until the Cambridge Public Schools are able to graduate a greater number of students with industry recognized credentials.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
04/06/2021 Adopted as Amended
04/06/2021 Adopted

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