<p>CPSD Interim Superintendent Search 2021</p> <p><strong>Timeline Action</strong> <br />By 2/19/21 Draft posting and timeline</p> <p>2/23/21 Ad-Hoc Subcommittee meeting for feedback on posting and timeline</p> <p>2/25/21 Special Meeting to adopt Ad-Hoc Subcommittee's recommendations</p> <p>By 3/1/21 Posting goes live</p> <p>By 3/8/21 School Committee vets applications, decides whom to interview (ongoing if needed, first round)</p> <p>By 3/17 School Committee Members (up to 3) have screening calls with top candidates, checks some references</p> <p>By 3/19 Organize panelists and design forms for submitting questions as well as scoring candidates (Google form)</p> <p><strong>Which (6-8?) people represent each of the three stakeholder groups? How are they selected? </strong></p> <p>For students, consider asking CRLS Deans to select a representative group inclusive of diversity of student demographics, experiences (e.g. feeder school), interests (e.g. athletics/arts)</p> <p>For families, consider representation across schools from caregivers in SEPAC, ELAC, CFCC, SICs/CCPS</p> <p>For educators, perhaps a Cabinet rep, 2 principals, teachers from each grade span - identified internally</p> <p>Once selected, groups will determine whether they ask up to four questions (to allow for follow-up questions from panelists/the candidate) or ask candidates to prepare/lead a presentation or exercise</p> <p>By 3/26/21 For candidates in whom we have sufficient interest, organize a convening for them to interact with: a. Students b. Families c. Educators (including staff and administrators)</p> <p>If we have multiple candidates, we could have breakout rooms for each stakeholder group and the candidates could move between them. At the end of each session, panelists and participants will be asked to score candidates on a series of criteria. We will also have an open-ended question for broader feedback/impressions.</p> <p>By 3/30/21 Chief Talent Officer compiles feedback from community convening, School Committee digests feedback, and continues checking references</p> <p>By 3/31/21 School Committee decides whether to advance candidate(s) or keep posting up, recruit more</p> <p>By 4/9/21 School Committee interview(s) and decision</p> <p>By 4/30/21 Interim Search regroups to revise RFP for search firm, formulate Search Committee, and outline process for permanent hire</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
02/25/2021 Adopted as Amended
02/25/2021 Adopted

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