<p>Whereas the Cambridge School Committee is committed to creating a legislative body that is inclusive of student voice and participation, and</p><p>Whereas one of the critical governmental functions of a Committee is the ability to vote on legislative matters through motions brought before the committee, and</p><p>Whereas student school committee members have historically brought a wealth of knowledge and insights that have shaped policy-making by the committee, and</p><p>Whereas exploring further involvement in the legislative process by providing student school committee members with the ability to cast votes on policy matters would strengthen the school committee's commitment to student engagement, therefore be it</p><p>Resolved that the Vice-Chair work with the CPSD legal department to review and implement a process for student school committee members to take non-binding votes on all motions and resolutions that come before the committee, be it further</p><p>Resolved that once reviewed, all recommended changes shall be implemented on or before December 31, 2021.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
10/05/2021 Adopted

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