<p>Whereas: The Cambridge Public Schools are committed to preparing every student for post-secondary success; and </p> <p>Whereas: The School Committee has expressed desire to see enhanced career pathways as well as expanded internship opportunities across our high schools; and </p> <p>Whereas: The school department had planned to conduct a program review of the Rindge School of Technical Arts this school year, but was delayed due to the pandemic; and </p> <p>Whereas: The School Committee is eager to follow-up on the conversation with RSTA leaders last spring, which covered preliminary reflections on the achievements and opportunities for strengthening RSTA, including how student enrollment in career and technical education pathways compares with the general CRLS population, how many students are provided with workplace learning experiences, how many Cambridge students are accessing career technical education in other Shared Occupational Learning Vocational Education Division (SOLVED) partnership districts, and how many students graduate with state or industry credentials; and </p> <p>Whereas: The School Committee wants to explore how students could earn college credits while in high school; now therefore be it Resolved: That by April 15, 2021, the Curriculum and Achievement Sub-Committee will convene a meeting to continue analysis of data and discuss a full review of the program.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
01/19/2021 Adopted

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