<p>Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools prioritize the health and safety of scholars, staff and school communities, and; </p> <p>Whereas CPSD is committed to ensuring that our young people learn about and exercise their voting rights as part of instilling lifelong habits of civic engagement, and; </p> <p>Whereas public health guidelines dictate that safely responding to the COVID-19 pandemic requires limiting the number of people in close proximity, particularly indoors, and; </p> <p>Whereas individuals including CPSD students, staff, and their close contacts have different levels of vulnerability to COVID-19, and CPSD school buildings have been long utilized as polling places for elections, now therefore be it;</p> <p>Resolved that the Cambridge School Committee encourages all who are eligible to vote to register and vote, and eligible voters to register to vote by mail, and be it further;</p> <p>Resolved that, while respecting student privacy with regard to citizenship status and other personal information, the Superintendent will work with Cambridge Rindge and Latin School and relevant elections agencies to ensure that all students who are 16 years of age or older are provided with voter pre-registration or registration forms far enough in advance to participate in all upcoming elections, and all students who will be eligible to vote in the next election are provided with materials to request voting by mail far enough in advance to participate, and be it further; Resolved that the Cambridge School Committee joins the City Council in supporting H. 4737, "An Act ensuring safe and participatory 2020 state elections in response to COVID-19," and will send a copy of this motion to the State Legislature and Governor Baker, and be it further; </p> <p>Resolved that the School Committee requests a recommendation from the Cambridge Election Commission, Cambridge Public Health Department and Superintendent Salim by June 30, 2020 in regards to closing school buildings to scholars and staff on election days in 2020 and 2021 and any other viable options in order to ensure that voters who choose to exercise their right to vote in person are able to physically distance from school communities.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
06/02/2020 Adopted as Amended
06/02/2020 Adopted as Amended
06/02/2020 Adopted

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