<p>Whereas the School Committee's primary responsibility is student success; and </p> <p>Whereas the district has several goals of increasing student achievement and addressing disparities in racial and socio-economic educational outcomes; therefore, be it </p> <p>Resolved that the School Committee will use the Special Education and Student Supports Sub-Committee to support the CPS administration by coordinating a plan to;</p> <p>1. Build and strengthen partnerships with outside organizations and institutions - such as neighboring universities and OST groups that will</p> <p>2. Create an in-house consortium of partners and resources to</p> <p>3. Establish and communicate best practices to supplement the districts' remote learning plan with an ongoing priority on equity and access.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
04/07/2020 Adopted

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