<p>Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools are committed to the academic success and general wellbeing of all scholars, and; </p> <p>Whereas CPS aspires to work as a team with families to support scholars, and; </p> <p>Whereas the School Committee approved a policy to provide weekly check-ins between scholars, families and school staff in this school year, and to report the numbers of students unreached, and; </p> <p>Whereas educators and administrators are stretched beyond capacity in this school year, and; </p> <p>Whereas elementary educators spend the vast majority of their time with one cohort of students they know well and are in frequent contact with families, now therefore be it;</p> <p>Resolved that elementary school teams will identify students who might benefit from stronger relationships between their schools and families through this approach and will reach out at least bi-weekly to them, and be it further;</p> <p>Resolved that, with regards to check-ins, educators only will use Aspen to record notes that may be of help to educators supporting scholars in the future, and be it further; </p> <p>Resolved that the School Climate Subcommittee will assess this practice through a conversation with educators at the end of this school year.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
12/15/2020 Adopted

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