<p>Whereas the majority of Cambridge Public School students have been learning remotely since March 16, 2020; and </p> <p>Whereas students, families, educators and administrators have noted a surge in mental health challenges amongst our young people; and </p> <p>Whereas expansion of in-person learning is not feasible prior to second semester; and </p> <p>Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools recognize that social opportunities with peers are critical to children's well-being; and </p> <p>Whereas the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School's Field House will soon complete its service as a shelter for people experiencing homelessness; now therefore be it </p> <p>Resolved that the School department will work with other City departments to determine how soon the Field House can be made available for school use; and be it further </p> <p>Resolved that the School department will work with scientific advisors, community partners and volunteers to explore the provision of wellbeing and social opportunities for students at the Field House during the remainder of the global pandemic.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
12/01/2020 Adopted

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