<p>Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools have implemented layers of protective measures to prevent transmission of Covid-19 within schools, and; </p> <p>Whereas the school district cannot control community spread of the virus outside of school buildings, and; </p> <p>Whereas epidemiologists have consistently recommended closing bars, casinos and gyms in order to keep schools open, and; Governor Baker has the authority to restrict non-essential business and social gatherings, therefore be it; </p> <p>Resolved that the School Committee will send the Governor (and copy the state legislative delegation) a letter urging that he execute restrictions on and/or closures of non-school venues where the virus spreads before the transmission levels suggest the need to close schools, and be it further;</p> <p>Resolved that Member Rachel and Member Rojas will draft the letter and circulate to colleagues for approval before sending to the Governor. (FF 11-5-2020)</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
11/05/2020 Placed on File
11/17/2020 Placed on File

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