<p>Whereas health and safety, racial equity, and family partnerships are among the guiding principles of the Cambridge Public Schools Department in their back-to-school planning; and </p> <p>Whereas chronic absenteeism is one of the District Outcomes that CPSD has been striving to improve; and </p> <p>Whereas prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, students from disadvantaged populations were more likely to be chronically absent, need intervention, and produce lower baseline performance scores; and </p> <p>Whereas pre-existing inequities are exacerbated by COVID-19 school closures; and </p> <p>Whereas particularly hard-hit students will continue to be disproportionately vulnerable with regard to their physical, emotional, and educational wellbeing; and </p> <p>Whereas there must be adequate data collected and shared to identify and support our most vulnerable youth; and now therefore be it</p> <p>Resolved that the Superintendent share the number and percentage of students at each school who are chronically absent, at risk of dropping out, and in need of intervention with the School Committee monthly in his Weekly Update, beginning on November 6, 2020; and be it further</p> <p>Resolved that CPSD will ensure any technology and database supports are put in place to support the collection, analysis and reporting of this data.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
10/20/2020 Referred to Subcommittee

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