<p>Whereas, the Tobin and Vassal Lane Upper School (VLUS) are scheduled to move to swing space in December of this year to accommodate the construction of their new facility and; </p> <p>Whereas Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) may face a shortage of physical space brought by the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore Be it resolved, that the School Committee requests that the Superintendent to determine if the swing space to be occupied by the Tobin and VLUS School could be better used to allow greater social distancing in other CPS schools; be it further </p> <p>Resolved, that the School Committee requests that the Superintendent work with the City Manager and his staff to determine the impact of any delay of the relocation of the Tobin / VLUS would have on the completion of the capital project; be it further </p> <p>Resolved, that the Superintendent be authorized to delay the scheduled move of the Tobin/VLUS to the close of school year FY21 in collaboration with the City Manager and his staff due to the impact of new COVID-19 guidance established by the Mass Department of Elementary & Secondary Education; Be it further </p> <p>Resolved, that if there are adjustments to the Tobin/VLUS project, the Superintendent will develop a plan to accommodate anticipated enrollment growth with the district.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
06/16/2021 Adopted

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