<p>Whereas the CPS Distance Learning Plan identifies schools' expectations regarding how CPS will support student learning in partnership with families while school buildings are closed; and</p> <p>Whereas the foundation of the CPS Distance Learning Plan includes learning experiences that can be scheduled for half the length of the school day (approximately 3 hours per day); opportunities that are facilitated by teachers, student self-directed, or offered in partnership with parents/caregivers; and options for distance learning that take place offline or in real life; and</p> <p>Whereas the implementation of the CPS Distance Learning Plan has varied based on the school community; therefore</p> <p>Be it resolved that the Superintendent provide the School Committee an end-of-year Distance Learning Plan summary for each school that gives an overview of how each CPS school operationalized Distance Learning Plans;</p> <p>Be it further resolved that each school gives specific data on the number of pre-recorded vs. real-time lessons provided during the school closures.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
06/02/2020 Adopted as Amended
06/02/2020 Adopted

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