Congratulations to CRLS on receiving a National School Board Association 2019 Magna Award for the Level Up Program. The Magna Award honors districts across the country for programs that break down barriers for underserved students. The Level Up work is an example of collaborative efforts that support the CPS strategic objectives of Equity and Access. Special thanks to CRLS Principal Damon Smith, CPS Administrators Dr. Kenneth Salim, Dr. Carolyn Turk, Dr. Anda Adams, as well as school and district leaders including Jen Hamilton, Tanya Milner, Adrienne Stang, Jan Tingle, Desiree Phillips, and all educators on the Level Up team for their vision, leadership, and dedication.

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
04/02/2019 Adopted as Amended
04/02/2019 Adopted

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