<p>That Whereas the Cambridge Public Schools currently offer three language immersion programs and several elementary school world language programs; and</p> <p>Whereas world language study in early grades is educationally beneficial; and</p> <p>Whereas bilingual immersion programs have demonstrated effectiveness is closing gaps; and</p> <p>Whereas there is increasing demand for these programs as well as enrollment challenges; The School Committee will hold a Roundtable discussion before the end of this school year on CPS Elementary Immersion and World Language Programs, which will seek to explore expanding such programs with a goal of equitable access to elementary world language and immersion programs across the city; Further that JK-12 language pathways for students beginning their language instruction in elementary school and middle school will be discussed.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
04/02/2019 Referred to Superintendent

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