<p>That: Whereas the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School administration has been engaged in a two-year process, supported by a School Committee Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee, to revise the high school Attendance Violation (AV) Policy toward greater equity; and</p> <p>Whereas the School Committee values data-informed policy-making and comprehensive communication of policies; The AV Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee, chaired by Member Dexter with members Member Kelly and Member Nolan, requests that a draft of the new policy, to be implemented beginning in September, 2019, be presented, as a First Reading, to the School Committee no later than May 21, 2019, along with a communication plan to ensure that all students, faculty, and administrators are aware of the new policy and that there is faculty "buy-in"; and The Committee requests data from the Fall, 2018, semester showing the following attendance data in the aggregate and disaggregated by: lunch status, race/ethnicity, gender, disability status, and ELL status: 1) number of students absent and tardy; 2) number of students absent and tardy without an excuse (Earned AV); 3) number of students "buying out" their Earned AV's; and 4) number of students whose grades were reduced due to an Assigned AV. These data are requested by May 7, 2019.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
03/19/2019 Placed on the Calendar
03/19/2019 Placed on the Calendar
04/02/2019 Removed from the Calendar
04/02/2019 Referred to Subcommittee
04/02/2019 Referred to Subcommittee
04/02/2019 Removed from the Calendar

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