<p>Whereas: Cambridge Public Schools have created a strong framework to guide the work of the district; and</p> <p>Whereas: The framework has strategic objectives of equity and access, engaged learning, whole child, partnerships, and improvement; and</p> <p>Whereas: As the School Committee and City Council through the unanimous adoption of a resolution on citywide commitment to family engagement acknowledge that "Children and teens thrive when policy makers, schools, and city and community organizations partner with families to actively support children's learning, development, and well-being. It is our shared responsibility to engage each other in meaningful and culturally respectful ways. This effort is continuous across a child's life from birth to adulthood and carried out everywhere they learn and grow;" and</p> <p>Whereas: A wide variety of high-quality enrichment opportunities are available in Cambridge including City-sponsored as well as privately-funded programs. Collectively the groups that offer out of school enrichment programs are referred to as the Out of School Time community; and</p> <p>Whereas: Nurturing the CPSD partnerships with the Out of School Time (OST) community, serves to support CPSD strategic objectives and the city-wide commitment to family engagement; and</p> <p>Whereas: A successful model for uniting OST partners into a system that supports the connection of opportunities to CPSD students is available in the Agenda for Children OST Middle School Network (MSN); and</p> <p>Whereas: A system such as the MSN is not currently in place at the Elementary School level; and </p> <p>Whereas: Children, families, and OST partners at the Elementary School level would benefit from the collaboration, connection, and program quality improvement support that a system like the MSN offers; now therefore be it</p> <p>Resolved: That the Superintendent explore with the City Department of Human Service Programs the goal of creating a network of Out of School Time (OST) partners serving the Elementary School grades to ensure equitable access to enrichment opportunities for all CPSD students.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
03/05/2019 Adopted

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