<p>That whereas there have been times when policies are not coordinated or updated with new language or reviewed for overlap, and whereas the School Committee wants to ensure policies are relevant and updated; and</p> <p>Whereas there are a number of School Committee policies that warrant review, for example MCAS policies from 2004 [ref. IKBA-1] which references old laws and the CRLS grade policy [ref. IKA] which is confusing due to block scheduling and is covered in the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook;</p> <p>Now therefore the School Committee asks that a review of all policies be scheduled over the next six months so that by the beginning of the next school year policies are updated, irrelevant policies are taken off the books and any duplicative policies are merged; and<br />Further, that a review of the written and online communication of policies be reviewed to ensure it is accurate and matches current policies.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
11/19/2019 Referred to Superintendent

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