<p>That: Whereas CPS strives to create equitable, developmentally appropriate learning environments in which all students are included and able to learn; and</p> <p>Whereas the CPS discipline policy prohibits out-of-school suspensions of PreK-2nd grade students who bring a weapon to school; Therefore the CPS discipline policy will be revised to specify that students in grades PreK-2nd grade will not be suspended out-of-school for any reason; and CPS schools will collect data on the number and demographics of preK-12th grade students excluded from class by being sent to the office or otherwise excluded from class but not formally suspended; and These data will be provided to the School Committee twice per year for each CPS school.</p>

School Committee Actions

Action Action Date Reconsidered By Referred to Subcommitee
06/04/2019 Adopted
06/04/2019 Referred to Subcommittee

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