Regular Meeting Meeting | Agenda

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Held in and broadcast from the Dr. Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, Cambridge Rindge, and Latin School, 459 Broadway, Cambridge. To sign up to call in using the ZOOM app on your computer or mobile device: visit www.cpsd.us/school_committee/virtual

Regular Meetings will be live-streamed at www.cpsd.us and broadcast on Cambridge Educational Access TV (CEATV) Channel 98/99, as usual. Motions shown below are updated live as they progress.

From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee

*Revised Agenda with Supplemental Recommendation

December 5, 2023 | 06:00 pm

1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):

2. Student School Committee Report:

3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:
  • November 21. 2023 Regular Meeting

4. Reconsiderations:

5. Unfinished Business/Calendar:
#23-259: Report of the October 4, 2023 Special Education and Student Supports Subcommittee Meeting | Motion by Special Education & Student Supports Sub-committee: Download File

Report of the October 4, 2023 Special Education and Student Supports Subcommittee Meeting

6. Awaiting Reports:

7. Superintendent’s Agenda:

7a. Superintendent's Update:
  • General Updates
7b. Presentations:

Student Success Planning Update

Victoria L. Greer, PhD

Superintendent of Schools

7c. CPS District Plan:


7d. Consent Agenda:
#23-282 Recommendation: Day & Residential Program Services not Available from the Cambridge Public Schools
#23-283 Recommendation: Contract Award: The Calculus Project: Instructional Services
#23-284 Recommendation: Contract Award: Research for Better Teaching: Professional Development
#23-287 Recommendation: Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Cambridge School Committee & Cambridge Education Association, Units A & B for a Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2026
#23-288 Recommendation: Approval of Revision to the 2023-2024 Cambridge Public Schools District Calendar

8. Non-Consent Agenda:

9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):
#23-285: Motion for CRLS Garden | Joint Motion by Mayor Siddiqui, Member Hunter and Member Rojas in collaboration with Student Member Anjaria

WHEREAS: Green Cambridge and School Committee Student Representative Naseem Anjaria created a proposal for a garden on the sloped roof of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School; and

WHEREAS: The plan includes concrete information on the positive impact it will bring on the climate to reduce Cambridge’s CO2 levels; and  

WHEREAS: The proposal will provide sustainable food that will be sent to community food pantries to serve unhoused people and those who would benefit from free food; and

WHEREAS: The garden will create community service opportunities for students who would want to help plant the garden and perform upkeep on it; and

WHEREAS: The creation of a garden will contribute towards Objective 2: Provide Accessible College and Career Pathways and Object 4: Build Welcoming & Supportive Schools & Districts by serving as an opportunity to increase college & career exploration and be used by other classrooms and organizations to foster community; and 

WHEREAS: This will allow educational experience for high school students, to help achieve equitable learning opportunities for those that would benefit from this out-of-classroom learning environment; now therefore be it

RESOLVED: This order be referred to the Building & Grounds Subcommittee of the School Committee for further discussions of this proposal with the administration and community partners; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Superintendent provides an update by the end of January on how the Cambridge Public School District (CPSD) might be able to collaborate with Green Cambridge to create a garden on the slope roof of CRLS; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Superintendent provides an update by the end of January on whether CPSD might be able to provide funding to support the creation of the garden.

#23-286: Policy Regarding Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students (First Reading) | Joint Motion by Vice Chair Weinstein, Member Hunter and Member Rojas
10. Resolutions:

11. Announcements:

12. Late Orders:

13. Communications and Reports from City Officers:


Updated on 12/04/2023 14:55 PM