<p>WHEREAS: The hiring of a Superintendent is the most consequential decision the School Committee will make; and</p>
<p>WHEREAS: Many timelines for the search have been proposed, but none yet adopted; now therefore be it</p>
<p>RESOLVED: That the School Committee will commit to a search timeline no later than October 15, 2024; and be it further</p>
<p>RESOLVED: That the timeline will explicitly include interim dates by which the following milestones will have taken place: 1) Hiring of a Search Firm; 2) Stakeholder Meetings Ahead of Job Posting; 3) Job Posting Approved; 4) Job Posting Publicly Released and Advertised; 5) Application Deadline; 6) Search Firm Review of Applicants, and Proposal of Shortlist; 7) Shortlisted Candidate Interviews; 8) Offer Made; and be it further </p>
<p>RESOLVED That the School Committee will make clear, in writing, who will be responsible for drafting a timeline for the Committee to consider, who will be responsible for organizing the Stakeholder meetings, and who will serve as the Hiring Committee.</p>