Research Project Application
Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) is in the process of implementing a new process and timeline for all research requests. There will now be two submission and review windows annually.
- Requests received after September 1st will not be reviewed until late November, upon which a committee will meet to review all applications and determine the path forward for each application.
For research submissions beginning on December 1st, applications will not be reviewed until April.
Researchers will be notified about the status of their application after they are reviewed.
The researcher must commit to sharing the final report and findings with the district at the conclusion of the research project.
Thank you for your interest in conducting research in CPS. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Amigone, Director of Assessment & Accountability at
**For the 2024-2025 school year only: we are not accepting research applications requesting the review of IEPs given that we are switching to a new IEP form.**
If this research project requires student and/or staff participation Section 3 must also be completed and submitted for District Approval. Consent forms MUST BE submitted with this application for it to be considered. Section 5 will ask for these documents to be uploaded.
This application should be completed at least 30 days in advance of the start date of the project. If approved, releases from the parents/guardians of students will need to be secured before the researcher can undertake any research involving students and/or student record information. Only those students who have a signed permission form on file may participate in the project.