S408 | Marine Biology

Course Description

Students who take Marine Biology will gain a deeper understanding into the variety and diversity of living organisms in the world's oceans through an ecological and evolutionary lens. From Algae to Zooxanthellae and everything in between, we will examine and study the diverse organisms and complex relationships that make life in the ocean possible. Understanding human impact and conservation will be an underlying theme to the course. Wet and dry labs, snorkeling, microscopy, dissections, field trips, lectures and discussions are all used to engage students into the wonderful world of life beneath the waves. As a part of this class, you will learn the skills to create and present a unique project that shows your understanding of the course content and highlights your interests and ideas.
State ID#: 03005
Department: Science
Grade Level:11, 12
Credits: 10
Alternate Credits:
Class Type: Core Academic
Pre/Co-Requisites: Chemistry and Biology. Biology may be taken out of sequence with the permission of the instructor.

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Dates & Announcements
Class of 2026 Course Selection 2/24/25 - 3/02/25 Class of 2027 Course Selection 3/03/25 - 3/09/25 Class of 2028 Course Selection 3/10/25 - 3/16/25 Class of 2029 Course Selection 3/17/25 - 3/23/25 Class of 2026 Course Selection 2/24/25 - 3/02/25. Class of 2027 Course Selection 3/03/25 - 3/09/25. Class of 2028 Course Selection 3/10/25 - 3/16/25. Class of 2029 Course Selection 3/17/25 - 3/23/25. Class of 2029 New to CPS Course Selection Workshop 3/24/2025.