S410 | Marine Science Internship

Course Description

The CRLS MSI is intended for students who are interested in gaining advanced lab and research experience in any of the fields of Marine Science. Students will be placed in a research facility, beginning during period 4 three days per week for a total time commitment of 12 hours per week. Students will also be responsible for keeping a lab journal of their experiences, participate in a student led seminar each week and present their research to a group of invested adults as the culmination of their placement experience. Previous placements have included Harvard, MIT, New England Aquarium, Boston University, Northeastern, BlueFin Robotics.
State ID#: 03098
Department: Science
Grade Level:11, 12
Credits: 10.0
Alternate Credits:
Class Type: Core Academic
Pre/Co-Requisites: Marine Biology or Oceanography and permission of the instructor

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