M435 | Money & Power Financial Literacy

Course Description

This course is specifically designed to offer high school students the financial skills and understanding that they need upon graduation to navigate the real world and create realistic financial goals. Through project-based learning, students will gain an understanding of what it means to live within their means, and how to be financially responsible. Topics covered include sources of income, taxes, living independently, buying a vehicle, budgeting, loans, interests, credit scores, personal bankruptcy, identity theft, banking, check writing, types of savings, investments, mutual funds and the stock market. Students will be exposed to realistic scenarios and will actively engage by applying the mathematics necessary to make informed decisions related to personal finance.
State ID#: 02157
Department: Mathematics
Grade Level:11, 12
Credits: 10.0
Alternate Credits:
Class Type: CORE Academic
Pre/Co-Requisites: Passing grade in Geometry, as well as in Algebra 2

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