S404 | HN Opt | Contemporary Application of Genetics

Course Description

Why are some diseases inherited from parents who are perfectly healthy? What is the difference between infectious and genetic disease? Can you find out if you will get a genetic disease? How does one decide whether to learn about one's genetic make-up and what to do with that information? How do we develop guidelines for these advancements that are equitable for ALL? Who pays for the research and who makes a profit? Students use the same cutting edge lab techniques that scientists do in their labs to try to answer these questions about devastating diseases. Finally, students learn how the biotechnology industry is using these modern techniques by investigating how an idea is turned into a profit-making product. This course is lab oriented with an emphasis on investigative skills.

Honors Designation Requirements
1. Maintain an average of B or better for both semesters
2. Complete supplemental questions assigned to the assessment and to some assignments to explore concepts in more depth
3. Complete one of the following three options
  • 3a- Choose an additional book to read (fiction or nonfiction) and write a book analysis (see teacher for rubric). Your instructor will provide a list of books to choose from.
  • 3b- Be a teacher for the day. Choose a topic that you would like to teach to the class. Come up with an agenda, activities and a short assessment that you will use to see how well the class understood the topic.
  • 3c- Write an essay for the DNA essay contest that WILL be submitted to the American Society of Human Genetics.

Department: Science
Grade Level:11, 12
Credits: 10.0
Alternate Credits:
Class Type: Core Academic
Pre/Co-Requisites: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Biology may be taken out of sequence with the permission of the instructor.

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Dates & Announcements
Class of 2025 Gr. 11 Course Selection is Monday, February 26, 2024 through Sunday March 3rd